Monday, September 30, 2019

Scramble For Africa DBQ

European powers gave the illus. on of choice to the people and then backed them up with torture and bullets when they rises De. African Nations responded to colonization efforts by holding on to their religious bell fees and through militaristic resistance while other just remained to their destined faith that WA s set up to them by European Powers. In order to better analyze this issue, it would be helpful to have a document that is a response from African merchants that detailed the possible e economic consequences of European Colonization.Many Africans saw that that their fate had been made as soon as the European powers marched in and began occupying and colonizing their lands so they g eve in without a fight at all. The Royal Niger Company, commissioned by the British government NT to administer and develop the Niger River delta and surrounding areas and many African rue leers signed the form in 1886(Doc 1). Many African leaders just signed their lands away not eve en standing u p for their lands they just subsided with the British thinking things would be bet terror them if they just have in when in reality it didn't make anything better.Shanty leader Premier I turned down an offer that would protect him and his people. But he also said that â€Å"at the same time remain friendly with all White men†(Doc 2). Premier may have not agree De to the British logic of protection but he did want to remain friendly with the whites which t urine out to be a major flaw for the Chiantis. Next, Indians Kamala and African veteran of the Needle Rebellion tells how his people surrendered to the white people and tried to live e their lives as normal as they possibly could(Doc 4).Once again the Africans just submitted t o the their fate Mr. Sullivan and attempted to live their lives as normal Africans. They might as well as off get for their lives and freedom because they were treated as slaves and when an unrecognized r billion broke out against the Europeans, the Eu ropeans quickly overpowered them and ma y Africans died. This was described by Indians Kamala as † They-?the White men-?fought t us with big guns, machine guns, and rifles.Many Of our people were killed in this fight: I s away four of my cousins shot. We made many charges but each time we were defeated†(Doc 4 Lastly, Samuel Marcher a leader of the Hero people described in a letter to another African leader how â€Å"All our obedience and patience with the Germans is of little avail, for each h day they shoot someone dead for no reason at 7). Many people in Africa just b Egan giving in to all the changes that were taking place around them by European powers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leadership theory and competency framework Essay

Introduction Leadership is always been interesting topic to be discussed. Given the theories that continue to grow and evolve. There is none of the theories that really can define what is the real meaning of leadership but we agree that the leader must have knowledge, skills on how to analyse the information in order to make appropriate decision. An effective leader is one who is able to read the situation, correct the problem, responsible, willingness to develop the followers, have integrity and good ethics. Effective leadership expected to act within the ethical framework. The ethical framework itself is about what right or wrong and good and bad. The reason why ethical decision becomes so important in the leadership is because business involves in a lot of transactions with people both within and outside the organisation. The purpose of this report is to provide better understanding about effective leadership, decision making and ethical management and how they linked each other both in theori es and practices and how the leaders ensure that every decisions are made within the ethical framework. Ethics . According to Ciulla (1998) Ethics is study about human relationships it is about the role that we play in life on what we should do and what we should be like as human being. Ethics is about right or wrong and good or devil. Ethics is the foundation of leadership. There are four theories in ethics: 1. Virtue ethics. Focused on in individual processes whether their act is expressing good character (moral virtues) or not. 2. Deontological ethics. In deontological perspective, intentions are the morally relevant aspects of an act. As long as the leader acts according to his or her duty on moral principles then the leader acts ethically, regardless of the consequences. In simple words, deontological focus on what is right based on the facts. 3. Ethical growth and learning ethics. Ethical growth and learning ethics also called as the character ethics. According to Covey (1992) the character ethics based on living effectively including things like integrity, courage, fidelity and so on. He believes that human have to go through the necessary stages in their life for their personal growth. Senge (1990), see learning process in each individual are important for the organisation learning  development. 4. Teleological. This theory locates the ethics of the action in its results. Leadership Leadership is the one of the specific type of human relations. There are a lot of thoughts behind the theory of leadership, even those theories still growing from time to time and it stills remain without satisfactory conclusion on that. According to Bolden, The theories of leadership are ranging as follow (Bolden et all.,2003): 1. Great Man theories. These theories based on the idea that leaders are those who are incredible, born with leadership qualities and destined to become a leader. 2. Trait theories. The theories based on the qualities and traits that leaders have. Trait theories often 3. Behavioural theories. These theories are opposite from great man theories. The theories believe that good leaders are made, not born. 4. Situational theories. These theories view leadership as something that is specific into the situations. For example: there are some situations that require the type of autocratic leadership, in other situation participative approach might needed. 5. Contigency theories. These theories focus on particular variables related to the environment to suit the style of the leadership. According to this, successful leadership depends on numbers of variables including leadership style, follower’s quality and the conditions. 6. Participative theories. The theories suggest that ideal leadership style is one that taking input from others. These leaders are more engaging the group members in decision making process. According to Lewin (1939) there are three leadership style in participatory, autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. 7. Management theories or transactional theories These theories focus on the role of organisation and group performance. These theories use rewards and punishment system and most used by the business organisations. 8. Relationship Theories or transformational theories. These theories focus on the connection between the leaders and followers. In this theory, beside focus on the overall performance of the groups, the leader also focusing on each member’s potential. This theory also often has high ethical and moral standards. Decision Making According to business dictionary, Decision making is process of selecting a choice from the available options. In order to make good decision, someone must be able to predict the result of each option and based on that options, take the best for the particular situation. There are two dominant decision making process models: 1. Rational model Rational model is mechanistic. The foundation of this model is quantitative discipline. It involves a cognitive process where each step follows in a logical order in order to get the best result. Disadvantage of this method is slow process in decision making 2. Bounded rationality Bounded rationality foundation is qualitative approaches. Bounded rationality model recognize that the data that available may or may not be completely valid but decision maker stills allow to make decision based on available data. 1. Toyota Toyota started in 1993 as one of Toyoda automatic divisions. Toyoda Automatic was encouraged to develop Japanese automobile production by Japanese government for supply their domestic vehicles. In 1993, Toyota motor co. became independent and separated from Toyoda automatic. Toyota started to expand in 1960 to other countries began by establishing new research and development facility in Thailand and in 1963, the first Toyota built outside Japan located in Melbourne, Australia. During that decade, Toyota had  exported one million units which had their presence established worldwide. In 2010 Toyota facing the most critical crisis on their history as one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. At least 8 million cars were recalled from the market regarding to floor mats and gas peddles that causing uncontrollable acceleration that reported become the cause of accidents and death. This incident costing the company of millions dollars in repair expenses lost in sales and destroy ed the company image for its reputation and of course undermining its credibility. The company also faced some of expensive lawsuits because it accused that Toyota leaders knew about the problems but they held back the information to held recall and in this case the Toyota leaders using ethical growth and learning approach. A lot of organisation experienced crisis incidents that need them to make audience public messages in explanation, apologies, and other efforts to fix their image. The unethical things that resulting in public accusation often can result in harm to shareholders and stakeholders of the organisation and will have negative impact in organisation’s sustainability. Toyota confront by some very clear situational limitation in trying to respond effectively in responding to the allegations and fixing its bad image. The allegations including the causes of the problem is not all clear yet ranging from engineering issue to human’s error. In reality, some reports suggest that the company do to repair the product are not solving the problems. The toyota also accused on having slow decision making process because they didnt respond to that that problem quickly and decisively. Ideally, the organisation expected to have quickly responsive actions to make positive image in the society because it is indicate that the organisation primary interest is to solving the problems rather that avoid legal problems. Such organisations are likely to be seen as ethical, responsible and decisive. However, the most difficult part that the company confront regarding their CEO. Akio Toyoda, the grandson of the founder. He facing the culture conflict associated with his multinational company’s nature. In general, Japanese corporate cultures encouraging harmony and try to avoid addressing the problems in public and prefer to manage behind the scenes and the process of their decision making is using consensus model. Consensus model is time consuming process and it will slow organisation in  their respond to the crisis. For some countries this can be seen that company is not decisive. Also in the Japanese organisation culture, they more focus on their leader’s opinion than public’s opinion. 2. Trafigura Trafigura is a private company established in 1993 by six partners, Claude Dauphin, Eric de Turckheim, Graham Sharp, Antonio Cometti, Daniel Posen and Mark Crandall. They are focusing on three regional markets, South America for oil and mineral industry, Eastern Europe for metals industry and Africa for oil industry. Currently, the group has 81 offices in 56 countries. The story of ethical issues that faced by Trafigura begun in early 2006 when Trafigura’s oil trader decided to buy Coker naphtha, a refinery by product from Mexico. They did this to make a quick profit. In between March and June 2006, three loads of 28.000 tonned was received in Texas and transferred to chartered cargo ship, Probo Koala. Dangerous chemicals were used to clean the Coker naphtha and then Trafigura realised that they facing the problem on how to dispose the toxic material safely. In July 2006, Probo Koala arrived in Amsterdam where one of the branch corporate offices is located. The Amsterdam Port Service, a Dutch waste management company agreed to treat and dispose the waste but in the higher price than it was agreed because APS discovered that the slop was much more polluted and requiring special treatment. As the consequences of that problem, the Probo Koala back to the sea and in August 2006, it arrived in Ivory Coast to deliver the waste to local company called Compagnie Tommy. Tommy then was illegally dumped the waste without treating it across Abidjan. The weeks after, thousands were sick and at least 10 death reported. Trafigura reached out of court agreement with Ivorian government by paying $ 198 million for cleaning up and helping the victims. Here we can see that the company using teleological approach in handling the problem. However, they denied that what they did is wrong and refused to accept any legal liabilities for that incident. The way Trafigura handled the crisis criticized by corporate responsibility observer. They said it was clearly messed up because when facing the problem, company ideally needs to find the facts quickly,  disclose them quickly and involve those who can reduce the problem and work with affected community in order to clean up the damage. In contrast, Trafigura, held everything privately and in the company like this they don’t have the same transparency and ethical requirements that a publicly company has. By looking for those examples, we realised that the need for ethics in leadership become obvious. Ethics influenced the leader in their leadership and decision making. Understandings of ethics begin with the analysis of values, both individual and organisational. Effective leaders must aware of their values, and system of ethics and ethical decision making. Good character and integrity are what we want to see from the leader. Somehow there is always the connection between a value system and the ability of the leader to use these values in their decision making. According to the Josephone Institute’s (1999), there are six pillars of character that might easily be applied to business setting. They are: Trustworthiness – honesty, integrity, reliability, loyalty, keeping promises and not deceiving others. Respect – using the golden rule or treating others as you wish be treated, in addition to being courteous, listening to others, and accepting individual differences Responsibility – accountability, self-control, the pursuit of excellence and considering consequences of our actions prior to making them Fairness – playing the rule, not taking advantage of others, making informed judgments without favoritism or prejudice, and not blaming others Caring – Kindness, compassion, and altruism, acting to minimize hardship and to help others whenever possible Citizenship – working to make one’s community better, protecting the environment, making our democratic institution work, and operating withi n the law How the leaders ensure that all decisions are made ethically? The foundation of ethical decision making involves choice and balance. As we discuss before ethics is the study of human relationship about right and wrong. To ensure that all decisions made ethically, leaders have to do ethic checks. There are varies on ethic checks but to make it simple, we can define ethic checks into three parts. The most common questions when we questioning about ethics are whether it is legal?, whether it is fair?, and if we do this, how it  will affect ourselves as human being s a member’s of society. The first part of ethic check is bout legality. Legal here means not only within legal system but also whether it is legal within the organisation policies. After we get the answer for the first part the next question will it be fair? One of the traits that effective leadership must have is putting the organisation’s interest above their personal interest. Hence to ensure the decision has made ethically here the leader should check whether the decision will be fair for all stakeholders. Lastly, after those two questions answered, the leaders must ask themselves how they want to be view by the society because whatever it is, regardless the power that the leaders have, they are still a member’s of society. Conclusion Ethics is the heart of leadership. In understanding the leadership it is important for us to understand about the ethics. Ethics is the study of human relationship. It is about what we should do and what we should be like in the society. The ethics can be different from one and another because ethics influenced by other factors such as family influence, religious belief, culture, experience and personal reflection. Leadership on the other hand is the particular type of human relationship that involving power. The effective leader has to have good ethics as one of their traits because in effective leadership, leader should put the group interest above his or her personal interest. Nowadays, many organisations in the world have been damage by their unethical decision making and most cases because they put self- interest above group or society interest which destroys the society trust to the organisations. Regarding to that we can see that ethics and leadership should go hand in hand and the effective leadership should have good ethics that stick to the moral values on the society and oppose all the unethical conduct. Like other things in the world nothing is perfect, but it is very good for the leader to ensure that the decisions are made ethically through questioning their decision whether it is legal or fair for them and for the community and the leader also consider their decision as their personal reflection. References Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturani, A. and Dennison, P. (2003). A review of leadership theory and competency framework. Centre for Leadership studies, UK : University of Exeter Linstead, S., Fulop, L., Lilley, S. (2009). Management & Organization A critical text. New York, NY: Palgrave Ciulla, J.B. (ED). (1998). Ethics, the heart of leadership. Westport, CT:Praeger. Driscoll, D. M. & Hoffman, W.M. (2000). Ethics matters: How to implement values-driven management. Waltham, MA Hitt, W.D. (1990). Ethics and Leadership. Columbus, OH: batelle Johnson, C.E. (2001). Meeting the ethical challenges of leaderhip. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers. The six pillars of Character. (2009). Retrieved from pillars.html Leadership Theories and styles. (2009). Retrieved from History of Toyota. (n.d). Retrieved from Seeger, M. (2010) Image restoration and Toyota recall. In communication currents. Retrieved from Trafigura corporate history. (n.d). Retrieved from Chhabara, R. (2009) Trafigura –Toxic ethics. In communication reporting. Retrieved from ethics 10 of most unethical business practices in business (n.d). Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Executive Compensation Schemes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Executive Compensation Schemes - Essay Example A promising action to address this problem is to develop frameworks for employee stock options valuation that will enhance the quality of compensation disclosure. This lack of information also does not help shareholders determine the company's long term prospects. The debate on executive compensation continues to acquire a national scope with the string of investment bank failures. Many business analysts put forward corporate reforms that try to construct payment schemes that will really induce CEOs to pursue the shareholder interest. When Nike paid William Perez US $18.2 million dollars in 2006, it made him the highest-paid chief executive. However, it was during Perez' one-year tenure that Nike's stock price dropped by more than $7 per share and the Swoosh lost US $2 billion dollars in market value. Nike's board asked the underperforming Perez to leave the following year. A US government official acknowledged the exorbitant executive pay in large American companies. Christopher Cox, chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission had admitted that executive compensation had changed but the SEC's disclosure rules have not been able to keep up with the pace. Company disclosure obfuscates rather than provides the clarity regarding executive compensation. (Seattle Times, July 9, 2006) US President Barack Obama had implemented restrictions on pay for executives at investment banks bailed out by taxpayers so as to curb Wall Street excesses and reign in public anger before the White House requests for federal funds to bail out the financial sector. Obama described Wall Street bonuses as "shameful" and expressed "disgust" at executives who reward themselves for failure (Financial Times, February 4, 2009). Obama further said that America does not disparage wealth but what gets people upset are executives who reward themselves for failure, particularly when those rewards are subsidized by US taxpayers. He pegged the compensation of executives of companies that receive assistance from the government at US $500,000 ('345,000) a year. Executives can obtain restricted stock, which could not be sold before the government had been repaid. (Financial Times, February 4, 2009). A Chief Executive Officer of a Standard & Poor's 500 company received US $14.2 million dollars in total compensation annually in 2007, according to the Corporate Library, a corporate governance research firm. The median compensation package that executives had earned was US $8.8 million dollars. In addition, the AFL-CIO labor union recognized that a fair compensation system for executives and workers is essential to the establishment of a long-term corporate value. The chief executive officers of large U.S. companies averaged US $10.8 million dollars in total compensation in 2006, more than 364 times the pay of the average U.S. worker. (Financial Week, 2007) Options constitute an important portion of executive compensation. An aspect of these programs is the discreteness of vesting dates and option exercise dates. The option grants occur infrequently. Investment banks and executive compensation The business of an investment bank is doing huge deals. This deal making usually involves raising capital either debt or equity for clients and advising on merger and aquisition transactions. In addition, investment banks sell securities to institutional investors. They also trade for their own account. Investment banks

Friday, September 27, 2019

EXPANDING THE LEARNING COMMUNITY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

EXPANDING THE LEARNING COMMUNITY - Assignment Example The programs deal with the problems or goals that the schools focus on. The engagement plan describes how to manage childhood obesity in Fort Wayne community schools. Fort Wayne is a region with high rates of childhood obesity of about 27%. Childhood obesity is especially a nuisance because of both its long term and immediate effects. Obesity leads to low self esteem among children, and depression. It also causes other diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, and high blood pressure among other diseases. Obese children are also likely to be obese when they get old and may suffer from other complications related to the disease such as stroke, heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes type two, and several types of cancers. They are likely to suffer from cancer of the Gall bladder, thyroid, pancreas, ovary, Prostrate, colon, breast, kidney, cervix, esophagus, and endometrium. It is imperative for the community to work together in dealing with this problem; prevention and management. Community school is a learning institution that uses a different framework in ensuring development in various areas. Community school is, therefore, a school that collaborates with community resources to achieve its social services, academic, and health, community engagement, and youth and community development goals. It has an integrated approach to these features, and these have been found to improve student learning, make communities healthier, and families stronger. Community schools have a different curriculum which emphasizes community problem solving and real-world learning. Melaville, Berg and Blank (n.d) indicate that community schools promote a different kind of learning environment; that which goes beyond the classroom walls. The schools nurture the natural engagement of being able to deal with real life problems. The link between the community and the school influences the curriculum that incorporates issues from the real world. It is a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes - Essay Example Unfortunately, bad workplace habits and negative employee attitudes create serious problems: poor workplace performance, workplace conflicts, and failure to achieve strategic organizational outcomes are just some of the numerous effects caused by bad workplace habits on organizations and their members. Bad habits make suffer both employees and employers. Workers may loose their job and the reputation of the company may suffer greatly. Bad workplace habits are numerous and varied. No one knows what exactly can fire the flame of conflict and disobedience within an organization. At times, employees can be extremely sophisticated in their negative habits and attitudes. Yet, in most instances, bad habits can be easily detected and addressed. Absenteeism and sick list abuse is, probably, one of the worst employee habits. Dozens of workers miss work intentionally, since they are unwilling to attend their workplace and are pretty satisfied with getting their sick list payments on time. Other s are convinced that spending half of the work day in a smoking room is absolutely normal and even necessary for their emotional stability. Such employees will not rush to deal with their obligations. Most probably, they perceive their work as some kind of entertainment and do not understand that the success of business and its profitability largely depends upon the contribution each and every worker makes on a daily basis. Other bad habits include gossiping and unnecessary sarcasm: some employees cannot be serious even when it is crucial for the organization’s survival. Employees may tend to withhold important information or will make excuses every time they fail to cope with their responsibilities. These are further supplemented by the negative attitudes, which employees hold about their work: it is no secret that not all employees like their job and these negative attitudes have far-reaching implications for strategic performance within organizations. Bad habits and negati ve attitudes of employees affect all aspects of organizational performance. Employees who miss work, fail to cope with their obligations, find excuses, and do not assume responsibility for their acts cannot be useful for the organization. Instead, they increase the burden of organizational problems and concerns. Moreover, their presence in organizations always comes at a cost: they receive salaries and benefits for doing nothing. It should be noted, that bad habits and negative attitudes work like an infection – they can infect other employees, who slowly learn a valuable lesson of laziness and non-productivity. As a result, one employee can negatively affect the whole organization and cause a chain reaction of bad attitudes toward work. Eventually, bad habits and negative attitudes of employees may threaten organizational safety. Gossiping may lead to information leakages. Withholding important information may disrupt the stability and operation of the organization’s security systems. Employees who do not share information with others will not let their colleagues and co-workers cope with their job tasks. Consequentially, other employees may fall victims to the bad habits and negative attitudes of their co-workers. What to do with employees and their bad habits depends upon the situation. No matter the seriousness of the problem, firing an inefficient employee should always be a measure of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Agenda - Disparities and access to healthy food in the United States Essay

Agenda - Disparities and access to healthy food in the United States - Essay Example On the other hand, the healthy foods are very expensive compared to the unhealthy ones leading people to opt for the cheaper food and especially in the hard economic times (Smith, et al. 2013). This disparity in access to healthy food in the nation needs to be addressed immediately if the mortality rates from unhealthy eating habits are to reduce. This issue is more important than other agendas as it is in regards to the survival of human beings. Humans need food in order to live, be healthy enough to work as well as to reproduce. Without the necessary balanced diet food for every individual in the nation, the productivity will reduce and mortality will increase as has been established above. A nation cannot be built when people are unhealthy and if this agenda is not taken seriously and overlooked, then the economy of the nation will start plummeting. The issue is not about food scarcity as per se but rather about healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables which are available in the grocery stores. The ones being sold in supermarkets are organic in nature and not many Americans can be able to afford them. When people fail to afford, it means their access is curtailed and the other option is to purchase the unhealthy food that is cheaper and accessible (Smith, et al. 2013). Support for the agenda is needed to not only reduce the disparity but the access to healthy food as well. The support can be structural or economic and can be offered by the government which has a lot of influence as well as work in conjunction with the private sector which has more resources. The support to reduce and completely eliminate the issue of disparity as well as access to healthy foods is a joint effort. The government alone cannot be able to support the issue on its own. Farmers need to be encouraged to grow more of these healthy foods to curb the demand (Larson, Story and Nelson, 2009). With the supply being in plenty,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Phenomenology light in religious building Essay

Phenomenology light in religious building - Essay Example Look at the unparallel beauty of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow designed by Postnik Yakolev and built between 1555 and 1561. Look at the magnitude of the Notre Dame in France worked upon by numerous architects. Head towards Istanbul, Turkey and bask your eyes upon the Hagia Sophia mosque with its intriguing history. The Nidaros Cathedral, the most beautiful cathedral in Norway, probably in all Scandinavian Peninsula;Â  Or the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, an exceptional work of creative genius (Florin Nedelcu, 2008). Remember the anticipation and the excitement you experience as a child when your father takes you out to buy a new toy. At this point I am that child. However after a lot of deliberation on the basis of personal as well as architectural preference The Church of light by Tadao Ando and the Shah Mosque in Iran are the religious structures my essay will focus upon. Church of Light by Tadao Ando Being a student of architecture the work of Tadao Ando has always been one that I have greatly admired. I had initially associated Tadao Ando’s accomplishment for receiving the 18th Prtizker Prize as a result of his notable work and the fact that he had accomplished great architectural credibility being a self-taught designer. However looking at his vast body of work and his artful use of natural light and landscape, from all of his work the design that is my favorite is the Church of Light. I had always had great feelings of respect for Ando’s ability to design the church of light within a limited budget. Not only was that the case but during the course of his work there existed a strong possibility that the church would end up with no roof. I strongly believe that the work of an architect is a mere depiction of his personality. Isn’t that just what the core essence of architectural phenomenology all about? Feelings that are so strong that they are imprinted on the structure that a person designs. The Church of Light is not just a brilliant piece of architectural genius but it is the tangible proof of Tadao Ando’s resilient, diligent and creative strength of character. Tadao Ando, as an architect is brilliant but as a person he is a source of great inspiration for me. He fills my heart with joy and a longing that perhaps one day I can grow into a person that not only excels in his work but receives the admiration and respect of millions around the world. That being said I can clearly recall the reason for my insistence to go visit Ibaraki during my family trip to Japan. I had seen various pictures of The Church of light as any student of architecture during the course of his work would have. However seeing the actual structure was a minor motivation for me to explore Ibaraki. I remember a certain disagreement that I had prior to my trip with my father. The details of which are hazy but I clearly remember the bad and restless mood I had been in. I remember dragging my feet and wanting to get away from everyone with little regard about where I was headed towards. It was with this black mood that I made my way towards the Church of light. At some point I thought I had gotten lost. If I recall correctly I didn’t particularly care. At some point I angrily muttered a few unappreciative words to Ando for selecting such a confusing location. This was when I ran into an old Japanese man. He smiled at me and said something in Japanese. His

Monday, September 23, 2019

CSR in particular industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CSR in particular industry - Essay Example However, in the early days, many researchers were convinced that CSR strategies and activities were homogeneous across different industries. However, advanced research has revealed that CSR is a heterogeneous field. Such heterogeneity means that some industries have to exhibit more effort in developing effective CSR. Therefore, CSR activities vary across industries. Moreover, assessment of effective CSR strategies also varies across the industries. This paper will discuss the reasons why CSR activities, exhibit such variance across industries. Research has identified that CSR strategies depend on several factors for each organization. These factors include the characteristics of the organization, the national framework of CSR, the nature of business activities, the category of labour involved, the risk of harming the environment, and finally the society where the business is located. Different industries exhibit varied characteristics. They depend on different stakeholder groups, have varied proximity to the consumers, and usually have differential potential in causing social or environmental adverse effects. This only means that industries that are likely to pose potential environmental damages or negative social effects have to define more CSR strategies. Moreover, industries exhibiting a close proximity to consumers have to be more focused on SCR that ensure consumer safety (Mullerat & Brennan 2011, p. 113). Moreover, such industries have to be more critical of their supply chains. On the other hand, some industries do not have the compulsion to define numerous CSR activities depending on the nature of their business activities. In order to illustrate the points described above, examples of different industries and the level of CSR activities expected of them will be presented in this section. Financial institutions do not pose great risks to the environment, but are required to promote sustainability and protect the environment

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Spanish and Flemish Baroque Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spanish and Flemish Baroque - Assignment Example Many regard Diego Velazquez' monumental "Las Meninas" as one of the greatest paintings of the world that it puzzles its viewers. Though one is capable of interpreting the painting in his own way, one can attribute different imaginative coloring to it. It is because of this feature it attracted the attention of many and the words of the art historian Enriqueta Harris makes clear when he says, "superb color values and draftsmanship, showing unique skill in merging color, light, space, rhythm and mass in such a way that all have equal value."(Atlee, 2003). A critical analysis of the painting raises the questions of reality and illusion. The scene depicted in the picture is a momentary incident in the palace of Philip IV of Spain that one may feel it as a snapshot. It is the blending of aesthetic mastery, fusion of form and content. Critics like Michel Foucault have commented that one can find a paradoxical relationship between reality and representation in Velazquez' painting. Foucault attributes a triangular relationship between the painter, the mirror image, and the shadowy man in the background. One is thunderstruck regarding the relationship between these three elements. Velazquez has successfully portrayed the painter and his canvas, with Infanta surrounded by her maids. The mirror on the background reflects the image of king and the queen, though some scholars argue that it is the reflection of the portrait on the left side of the picture. The painter has selected a theme contrastive to the representations.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nrega Scheme a Success Essay Example for Free

Nrega Scheme a Success Essay Is NREGA(National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) a success or a failure? The NREGA is an Indian Job Guarantee scheme, enacted by the legislation on Aug 25,2005. The scheme provides a legal guarantee for one hundred days of employment in every financial year to adult members of any rural household at a wage of Rs 120 per day. So almost after five years of its commencement can NREGA be considered a success ? This essay will consider a number of explanations for concluding the impact of NREGA. My argument would be that definitely NREGA has been a success. First of all we need to remember that NREGA is a programme without precedent. No other employment programme has even come close to being implemented on such a large scale. So the output can’t be compared to that of any other programmes. Taking into account the success story of the Pandurni village in the Nanded district of Maharastra which won the award for the best performance in implementing the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for 2009-2010, we can see that around 1500 people from the village are registered under this scheme from which around 800 have been benifited from it. Pandurni has completed over 100 irrigation projects. Of these projects one that has been remarkable is the rocky bund built by around 200 villagers, to prevent soil erosion. Officials claim that implementation of the scheme on such a large scale here has prevented the migration of labourers to other districts. Similar success stories have also been reported from various villages of Rajasthan. NREGA has created more work for rural people than any other programme since independence. If we look at the coverage of the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, if we look at the participation of women, if we look at the financial inclusion that we have achieved about more than 10 crore bank accounts and post office accounts that have been opened for NREGA workers then a lot can be said in terms of its achievements. It can be agreed to a fact that nothing in this world is an unmixed blessing. I agree if the NREGA has good side, it has a bad side also. But the ill effects have been largely due to corruption in our country. Its because of that only the ‘aam admi’(ordinary people) are not able to avail the proper benifits of the scheme. NREGA is a scheme which if implemented properly can benefit the labour class of our country.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism Eco-Tourism is a combination of two words Ecosystem and Tourism, together it is made Eco-tourism. Ecosystem is the system where everybody live, this system is compuse by the water, earth, sky and the living and not living objects such as micro-organism communities, plant, animal and their non living environment acting as a functional unit. Some examples to refer of ecosystem may be the river, the ocean, the jungle, a forest or a biome. And tourism means, the practice of travelling for pleasure. Therefore, a tourism which implicates a visit to an Ecosystem is well known as Eco-tourism. Thus, Eco-tourism can be defined as Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, mostly of the time under the guidance of a naturalist, having by objective learning about the environment making focus on wildlife awareness and conservation of the environment. However, Ecotourism still a new topic nowadays, the most acceptance definition is by Ceballos-Lascurain, who is generally a ccepted as the first person to define ecotourism Tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations found in these areas (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1991, P. 25). In addition, Ecotourism is a sustainable form of natural resources-based tourism that focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, and which is ethically managed to be low-impact, non-consumptive, and locally oriented (control, benefits and scale). It typically occurs in natural areas, and should contribute to the conservation of such areas (Fennell, 1999, p 43). Fennell identified 13 main principles of ecotourism: interest in nature contributes to conservation reliance on parks and protected areas benefits local people long tern benefits Education and studies Low impact / non -consumptive ethics / responsibility management sustainable enjoyment and appreciation culture adventure and small scale In today world it is very easy to confuse Eco-tourism with mass tourism, but mass tourism is related to the number of people that visit a destination and most of the time those big groups are not eco-tourism because their only reason to visit those natural destinations is just for pleasure. They do not plan vacations to learn about the environment, know the culture of the destination and the most of the time they just expend the entire stayed in five start resort enjoying its facilities and they do not even has contact with any single natural attraction that the visit destination offer. 1.2 Importance of sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism has become essential for the tourism industy due to it is closely related to eco-tourism. Eco tourism is considered as the tourism development which try to capture a portion of tourism market that is attracted to natural beauties by providing low impact tourism products. Sustainable tourism would provide direct benefits to the local people. The private sector would assure least impact on the environment. Tourism projects will be initiated considering the size and scope of the land character with limited resorts located close to existing infrastructure offering economic benefits to local communities. It also includes development of preferential tourism zones committed to sustainable development and carrying out specific practices (Rauschelbach et al, 2002, pp: 229). 1.3 Benefits of Eco-Tourism practice The importance of the Eco-tourism and the benefits that this activity provides is indispensable for the sustainability of the natural destination. Eco-tourism is the only kind of tourism that provides awareness to the visitors as well the local population involving then in activities to preserve the destination, understanding the environmental issues and explain the consequences before they take place. Eco-tourism trainee the local populations in order to visualize the visitors as an alternative of income that will contribute to the destination survive. With significant economic benefits the local population needs to see their natural area as a source of income, conserving their local destination avoiding activities like cutting down all their rainforests that just contribute to the global warning. Tourism is the world ´s largest industry; in 1950 the number of tourist went from 25 million up to 702 million in 2000. Acoording to the World Tourism Organization for this 2010 the tourism growth rate will reach 1 billion and 1.6 billion in 2020. With the growth of science and technology, abundance in economy and revolutionary changes that have happened in the field of transportation have contributed largely to the development of the tourist trade all over the world. In todays world an individual can have breakfast in London, lunch in New York and dinner in Tokyo (Cooper and Hall, 2008, pp: 377). 2.0 Main body 2.1 Presentation of Cabo San Lucas as Eco-Tourism destination Cabo San Lucas has become an important vacation and spa destination located at the tip of the Baja peninsula in Baja California Sur, Mexico. This destination is well known for its natural attractions such as the sea of Cortez where the tourist can enjoy of several activities like whale watching, snorkel, kayak, scuba diving, parasailing, tours to the arch, and banana boat. The colorful desert with unique plant life is a natural curiosity in los Cabos, where hiking, ATV and horseback trip explore the area. The sea of Cortez is nationally and internationally recognized as ecosystem of significant biological, social and economic value. The Mexican government, who recognized the importance of the island, establishes then as natural protects area in 1978, under the category of flora and fauna protection area. Internationally the island is known as biosphere reserve by the UNESCO. Because of the beauty and natural of the destination and surrounding marine areas, visitors have the possibili ty to learn from this ecosystem. 2.2 Cabo San Lucas emerging issues For Cabo San Lucas still been a challenge the duty of educated local people and tourism to preserve the destination. One of the biggest obstacles to develop eco-tourism in Cabo San Lucas is the number of interest from the public and private serctor, especially in this destination that contain a vast American influence. For example, for some Tour Operators is very easy to pretend that they are bringing to the destination Eco-tourism but behind this, is just mass tourism. At this stage the destination is facing several emerging issues such as: The overfishing hurting of hundreds species including the Marlin and Tuna. The local population kill its flora and fauna to made local souvenir which are comercialize with the tourism. The local population is relative poor and is lack in knowledge and education, therefore they do not contribute to the conservation of the destination, as a method of income they operate tours in the Cortezs sea (using pangas, local wood boats), without respect the navigation rules such as the distance that they have to take in a while watching tour as well as the proximity to the sea lion colony. International investment in construction like Riu Hotels (Spanish company) which in 2007 built the Riu Sta. Fe with 1100 rooms and still operate as normal avoiding the FONATURs regulation rules ( National Fund for Tourism Development) . To clarify this example, in Cabo San Lucas is allowed hotels construction up to 900 rooms mention by FONATUR. Due to airline incresing price most of the tourist are opting to visit the destination by cruiseship which contribute to the massive desturbe of the fauna and pollution of the water. The mass tourism is overcrowding the destination through overbooking the accomodation and service facilities creating chaos in public areas such as bus transportation, beaches, parks and hospitals. The destination waste disposal is increasing due to the mass tourism. 2.3 Eco-Tourism strategies implement by Cabo San Lucas At this stage, the SEMARNAT (Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources) together with the CONANP (National Commission of Natural Protected) are implementing in the destination two eco-tourism strategies: A code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators, that have been implemented to complement the legal requirements in the destination having by objective the reduction of the emergencies issues mention before. This code of ethics is basically focus on tourism operators behaviors forcing them to: maintain the natural integrity of the places visit; respect the livehoods and culture of the local people. make a solid effort to be less wasteful with the natural resource. ensure waste disposal has not environmental impact. develop a recycling programs; support different companies in the hospitality and tourism industry that work under environmental policies. increase the network with other tours company in special those in the local area to keep aware of new conservation programs, environmental policies and eco-friendly techniques. get the appropriate education and training on Eco-tourism and low impact techniques such as respectful for the environment and local culture. support local economy but do not buy goods made from threatened or endangered species such as turtles; never disturb the wildlife and wildlife habitats. follow by the book the rules and regulations in protect areas; advertise truthfully and inform to the tourist about the natural and local history providing them useful materials. make sure that the clients that are coming are aware of the regulations, norms and code of ethic applicable in the visit destination and develop an environmental education program with the local communities. A guide for environmental tourism practice that refers to how the destination regularized activities related to bird watching, sea lions, diving and snorkeling, recreational booting etiquette, whales and dolphins, turtles and sport fishing. Some of those environmental tourism practices are summarizing here: obtaining permission from SEMART through the direction of flora and fauna protection area Islands of the Gulf of California before visit the island. forgibbean feed native animals. camp only on designated area. use only biodegradable products. is highly recommend visit the exotic fauna colonies with guide. watch the fauna from distance avoiding disturb or stress them. never attempt to touch the fauna, the boat have to be 90 feet away from the rocks and islets. avoid making loud noises and using strong lights near the colonies. it is forbidden by law to damage or remove coral or other marine organisms as well collect natural souvenirs like coral, shells, etc. do not interfere with the natural movements of the fauna. before fish make sure to have the permit through the local SAGARA office that provides information on official bag/size/ tackle limits, protected species and seasonal closures. As example of this successful Eco-tourism strategies, Olympus Tours one of the biggest tour operators from USA which is bringing to the destination more than 33.000 tourist year over year yearly, is totally agree with the procedures mentioned before and as prove of this in carryon the following iniciatives: Increasing employment opportunities for local residentes. Support and promote the local culture and customs. Contribiute to prevent the exploitation of children in tourism. Foment activities where the tourist interact with the local people. Operate safe trips for the natural envaironment and the tourism. Support local communities and organization. Work with suppliers that share the same social responsibility. Avoid activities which exploit flora and fauna such as diving with dolphins. Reduce energy consumption. Recycle as much as possible. Agrements with establishments and hotels that implement eco-friendly techniques and green practices. Another success example of the eco-tourism strategies in the destination are related to the hotels and resorts which are implementing several eco-friendly and green techniques such as: Intercontinental chain that asks to its customers to conserve water by reusing towels and limiting the number of times the linens are changed. Barcelà ³ chain is adopting many local plants that thrive in arid Baja in its landscaping an stead of grass that require daily irrigation. Nh-hotels has introduced for its customers the leastest technology in room functions, controlled by LCD where the air condition turns off when the patio door is open. Riu Hotels has finished its remodeling project replacing the baths with walking showers. Hilton Los Cabos is changing its wedding concept, offering to its customers a new phenomenon called green wedding. This package offers to brides and grooms a lot of alternatives adding green elements into their destination wedding. Based on the nature of the destination and the natural beauty of the surrounding environment, couples can choose an outdoor wedding area offered by the Hilton Los Cabos like lagoons, seaside gazebos, white sand beach, therefore reducing their energy used by having the wedding during the day. Dining service will include organic items such as organic tequila, domestic wines and organic cakes. End the celebration with eco-friendly fireworks that produce less smoke than the regulars and reduce the number of toxic metals that commonly left in the water. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 Summary the importance of Eco-Tourism in destinations The Eco-tourism presence in natural destinations is becaming more and more importante for the sustainability of the destination. Eco-tourism main function is develop awarenesses between local people and tourist regarding the importance of the preservation and conservation of the natural environment as well local culture. As was discused above, Cabo San Lucas with the impact of the Eco-tourism is becaming as a green destination with several Eco-friendly iniciatives form the hospitality supplieres such as hotels and tour operators. Customer are willing to pay more for accommodation that promote green activities, and Hilton hotel can not be a better example of this transformation, which is offering to its clients green weddings introducing to the market a vast of green items such as out door facilities, organic dinner, organic cake and low smoke fireworks. All those elements have by objective the reduction of the negative impact in the destination. Another positive impac that eco-tourism bring to the natural destination is related to the economic aspect.Cabo San Luas has been growing rapidly in the past 10 years with mega constructions projects such as resorts, shoping malls, hospitals, speedway, international airport amplification that drive to the destination the international brand business such as Wallmart, Mc. Donalds, Hooters, burguer King and starbucks which increase and improve the laboral condition with several available positions. As was mentioned before, the destination has a significant international influx form Americans and Canadeans and it is semeed through the biggest tour operatior that bring tourism to the destination like is Apple Vacations, Olympus tours, The Mark Travel Corporation, Thomas Cook among others which are incentive and promote in Cabo San Lucas the Eco-tourism as an alternative way of travel. Today, there are Green Laws of preservation, which are making people aware of how humans and the environment can cohexist beneficially for more time to come and Eco-tourism is one way to maximize the environmental and social benefits of tourism, without exclude the economic developments having by objective the sustainability of the culture and environment. 3.2Recommendation to overcome emerging issues in Cabo San Lucas The Eco-tourism strategies that Cabo San Lucas is applying to contribuite with the sustainability of the destination are a code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators and a guide for environmental tourism practice which ones had been showed evidence that are working very well. However there is opportunity to improve, there are many things that have gone unobserved by the autorities. There is a need for altering the landowners act as it has caused many conflicts. The local landowners should be guaranteed with the insurance policies so that they can support the tourism activities that help in sustaining the resources. Department dealing with allotting areas and granting permission should frame uniform policies so that recreational providers dont get confused while asking for permission. It is believed that most of the tourists dont respect the local culture and also the local people. Tourists should be told to respect the local crowd and local culture. There is need for proper management in Cabo San Lucas and also the tourists should be allowed only during the certain seasons for activities like while watching and other watersports. Authorities need to work and implement aggressive marketing policies for the the destination as well foment activities where the new local generation get involve with the culture and preserve the sustainability of this one. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Children Need to be Encouraged :: Teaching Education Essays

Children Need to be Encouraged As we know, children spend about thirteen years of their childhood (if they graduate) in school around their peers and teachers. Most children go home to busy households where parents do not spend quality time, such as; listening, and disciplining them like they need to. So when these children go into the school the next day, they need and adult to pat them on the back, listen to them, discipline them, and encourage them to keep on trying. Children need to be encouraged so they will try harder. I want to there to give them that extra push that they deserve because many teachers gave me that encouragement to me. These days encourageable, energetic, and determined teachers become evermore important in today’s busy society. Teaching children I would incorporate all of these philosophies such as; perennialism, progressivism, behaviorism, essentialism, existentialism, and social reconstructionism in my instructional curriculum. For example, including perennialism in which, it is necessary to teach elementary students morals, such as; sharing, not cheating, and even playing fair (like in sports). Progressivism will be used in my instruction because cooperative learning activities will take place. I will use reinforcement rewards with computers, stickers, and candy; which will display the philosophy of behaviorism reflected in my classroom. I will encourage free-will in my students by letting them make choices such as; the book they want to read or letting them decide whether or not they want to do extra credit; which would demonstrate a small part of the existentialism philosophy I support. I believe it is also necessary to educate elementary students on other cultures so they will be aware of the similarities and differences compared to their own culture; which is how I will incorporate social reconstructionism into my classroom. However, the basis to hold everything into a functional curriculum I would use the essentialist philosophy; in which I would include all of the basic subjects in every week’s lesson plan to create a structural predictive atmosphere so the students know what is happening next. Students need repetition.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Low-fat, Low-calorie, and Low-carbohydrate Diets Essays

Comparing Low-fat, Low-calorie, and Low-carbohydrate Diets Low-fat, low-calorie, and low-carbohydrate diets are of unequal effectiveness and merit. Low-carbohydrate diets are simply better. All three diets attempt to induce weight loss by managing the body’s energy intake. The body gets the energy it needs to stay alive from food. Food can be broken down into three major categories: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Even though fat contains the most calories per gram, because of the way digestion works, the body gets all of its energy from carbohydrates and none from fat found in food. When the body takes in excess energy, it is stored in body fat. If it ever needs to, the body can dip into these energy reserves by breaking down the fat in which the energy is stored. Low-carbohydrate diets work by cutting back on the body’s main fuel source, carbohydrates, and replacing it with fat and protein. While protein and fat have other vital uses in the body, they do not provide any energy. So, the body is forced to burn fat for fuel. Lo w-calorie diets simply proscribe a lower overall caloric intake thereby providing the body with insufficient fuel, again forcing the body to dip into its reserves. Low-fat diets reduce fat intake because proponents of low-fat diets claim that fat is the type of food with the biggest caloric bang for its nutritional buck Low-fat diets are based on the fallacious connection between body fat and fat in food. There is no such connection, and this is a mistake that can have dire consequences. The body does not use fat as an energy source. People actually gain weight on low-fat diets because snacks toted as low-fat are frequently high in carbohydrates to compensate for the loss of flavor from lack of fat. Becau... in calories. However, that connection is nonexistent and people can gain weight on low-fat diets if they are not careful. They also do not get enough of the vitamins that are only found in fat. Low-calorie diets stipulate a cutback in overall food intake. Such diets are effective but also cut back on essential vitamins. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates in a persons diet and replacing them with fat and protein low-carbohydrate diets safely and efficiently induce weight loss. Works Cited 1. Astrup, Anne, Thomas Meinert Larsen, and Angela Harper. Atkins and other low carbohydrate diets: hoax or an effective tool for weight loss. Vol. 364. September 4, 2004. 2. Nelson, David L. and Michael M. Cox. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 3rd ed. Worth Publishers. 2000 3.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Grenada :: essays research papers

For a country as powerful as the United States, there comes a responsibility to protect its allies, neighbors, and supremely itself. However, there are times when this sense of responsibility misleads the U.S. into using force that is excessive or unnecessary. We are walking a fine line of political laissez-faire and obligation to intervene, but add the element of a  ¡Ã‚ °Lyndon Johnson ¡Ã‚ ¯s obsessive fear of the spread of Castro-style communism ¡Ã‚ ± (Musicant 363), and consequently, we will find ourselves resurrecting gun boat diplomacy and the Monroe Doctrine. Although under the veil of ensuring safety to our citizens, the invasion of Grenada is an example of where we overstepped our legal bounds, fabricated justifications and reacted without preparation, inconsiderate of the criticism which was definite to follow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A main concern of the United States was its 1,000 citizens on the island. Of these citizens, 600 were medical students at St. George University. Because of the political turmoil, the U.S. stated to its public that the students and citizens on Grenada were in danger. President Reagan also stated to the press that there was no way for our citizens to get off the island. However, the State Department had issued a formal note to Grenada asking about the safety of its citizen, to which the minister of external affairs replied,  ¡Ã‚ ° The interest of the United States citizens are in no way threatened by the present situation ... which the Ministry hastens to point out is a purely internal affair ¡Ã‚ ±(Musicant 374). The Chancellor of the school, Charles Modica, was announcing that the students were in no danger, and that the school was expected to continue to have good relations with the  ¡Ã‚ °Government ¡Ã‚ ± (Weinberger 108). This display of good will coincid ed with the report Margaret Thatcher, Britian ¡Ã‚ ¯s Prime Minister, received from the Deputy High Commissioner in Bridgetown, Barbados, who had visited Grenada, that the British citizens were safe and that the new regime was cooperating in making arrangement for those who wished to leave(Thatcher 330). The same cooperation was being offer to the U.S., contradicting the President ¡Ã‚ ¯s statement, which was made long after notification from Grenada that Americans were free to leave on regular or charter flights. Also clearly in contradiction was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North report to the press stating that the airports were open for two hour even the day before the invasion (Speakes 161-162). There was no evidence that the student or citizens were in any danger, except during the invasion.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Aluminum: The 13th Element on the Periodic Table Essay

One of the many elements on the periodic table is Aluminum. Aluminum is the 13th element, and it is located in period two and group thirteen. Aluminums symbol is Al and it has an electron configuration of [Ne] 3s2 3p1. Aluminum also has an atomic mass of 26.982 and its atomic number is 13. This element was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in the year of 1825, and was named by the English chemist Sir Humphry Davy (Helmenstine, 2012). Its name ‘Aluminum’ came from the Latin words ‘alumen’ or ‘alum’, which is an astringent and dyeing mordant. Originally, Davy called it â€Å"Alumium’ but the publishers later changed it to Aluminum, and that’s how it remains in the United States (N/A, n.d.). Aluminum is a tin-white metal which melts at 640 °C and boils at 2,327-2,450 °C (N/A, 2012). It is very light and has a density of 2.68g. It is both ductile and malleable, making it stiff and strong, and with frequent annealing it can be r olled into thin foil (N/A, 1996-2012). It is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and it is a solid in its standard state. One of Aluminums chemical properties is that in moist air, it combines slowly with oxygen to form aluminum oxide. The aluminum oxide forms a very thin, whitish coating on the aluminum metal (N/A, n.d.). This element is also a fairly active metal. It reacts with many hot acids and with alkalis. Aluminum also reacts quickly with hot water, and in powdered form, it catches fire quickly when exposed to a flame (N/A, 1996-2012). Back then, the Ancient Greeks and Romans used alum as an astringent, for medicinal purposes, and as a mordant in dyeing (N/A, 2012). Today, it is used in kitchen utensils, exterior decorations, and thousands of industrial applications. The uses of the element can vary from being kitchen foil, to being used to create planes and trains. Aluminum is also used in electrical transmission lines because of its light weight, and its alloys are used in the construction of aircraft and rockets (Helmenstine, 2012). Aluminum is also used to make compounds, and some of the many are Aluminum Chloride, Aluminum Hydroxide, and Aluminum Phosphate. Lastly, something very interesting and unique about Aluminum is that it is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust (8.1%), although it is not found free in nature (N/A, 2012).

Efficacy Of Dynamic Splinting Health And Social Care Essay

The process has proven to both dependable and lasting. A successful entire articulatio genus replacing allows patient to restart about all activities of day-to-day populating with minimum trouble. In most instances patients no longer necessitate external AIDSs or chronic medicines. Finally entire articulatio genus replacing helps patients to keep their overall ego regard. Entire articulatio genus replacing is indicated when there is unremitting terrible hurting in the articulatio genus with or without malformation. The pain/ malformation may be due to osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and assorted non specific arthritis. It relieves hurting, provides mobility and right malformation. Entire articulatio genus replacing is a surgical process in which injured or damaged parts of the articulatio genus articulation are replaced with unreal parts. The process is performed by seperating the musculuss and ligaments around the articulatio genus to expose the articulatio genus capsule. The articulatio genus capsule is opened, exposed the interior of the joint. The terminal of the thighbone and tibial are removed. The unreal parts are cemented into topographic point. The articulatio genus will dwell of metal shell at the terminal of the thighbone, a metal and plastic trough on the shinbone and if needed a fictile button in the cap. In a manner this could be more suitably called a Knee resurfacing operation.The common pathology for entire knee replacing is knee flexure contracture.Definition:Flexure contracture is defined as the shortening of the connective tissue thereby stiffening the joint. It is due to fastening of the posterior capsule combined with the tightening of bi ceps femoris and indirect ligaments. Hence rehabilitation plan should be undertaken shortly after TKA to keep joint scope of gesture. In peculiar this survey examined the value of dynamic splinting in increasing scope of gesture and cut downing the flexure contracture. Dynamic splinting utilizes the biomechanical version of maintaining the articulation at end-range to accomplish a physiological alteration of molecular realignment to stretch the connective tissue. This protocol of low-load, prolonged-duration stretch with dynamic tenseness continually reduces the contracture.ANATOMY OF KNEE JOINT:The articulatio genus articulation is the largest and most complex articulation in the organic structure. It is synovial modified flexible joint articulation. It is formed by merger and median tibio- femoral and patella- femoral articulation.ARTICULAR Surfaces:It is comprised the Femoral condyles: distal terminal of thighbone Tibial condyles: proximal terminal of shinbone. Patellar facetes: posterior surface of kneecap.Femoral condyles:The articular surfaces of thighbone are block shaped. The femoral condyles are convex in both planes. They are extended interiorly by the block shaped patellar surfaces. The cervix of the block is represented anteriorly by the cardinal channel on the patellar surface and posteriorly by the intercondylar notch. 111Tibial condyle:The tibial surfaces are in return curved and comprises two curved and concave analogue troughs which are separated by a blunt distinction running antero- posteriorly distinction lodges the two intercondylar tubercles.Tibio-femoral articulations:The tibial condyles correspond to the femoral condyles while the inter condylar tibial tubercles come to within the femoral intercondylar notch, these surfaces constitute functionally the tibio-femoral articulation.Femero-patellar articulations:The aspects of kneecap correspond to the patellar surface of the thighbone while the perpendicular ridge of the kneecap fits into the cardinal channel of the thighbone.LIGAMENTS OF KNEE JOINT:Medial indirect ligament:It is flattened set rhomboidal in outine. It is attached above to the median epicondyle of thighbone, below to the median border and the bordering median surface of shinbone. Function: restrain valgus rotary motionLateral indirect ligament:Function: restrain varus rotary motion and resist internal rotary motion kneeanatAnterior cruciate ligament:It is attached below to the anterior portion of the intercondylar country of shinbone between the anterior terminals of sidelong and median semilunar gristles. Above it is attached to the posterior portion of the median surface of sidelong femoral condyle. Function: To defy anterior supplanting of the shinbone on the thighbone when the articulatio genus is flexed To defy varus or valgus rotary motion of the shinbone, particularly in the absence of the collateral ligaments Resists internal rotary motion of the shinbone.Posterior cruciate ligament:It is attached below to the posterior portion of intercondylar country of shinbone, buttocks to the fond regard of posterior terminal of median semilunar gristle. Above it is attached to the anterior portion of sidelong surface of the median condyle of thighbone. Function: To let femoral push back in flexure Resist posterior interlingual rendition of the tibia relation to the thighbone Controls external rotary motion of the shinbone with increasing articulatio genus flexure. Retention of the PCL in entire articulatio genus replacing has been shown biomechanically to supply normal kinematic push back of the thighbone on the shinbone. This besides is of import for bettering the lever arm of the quadriceps mechanism with flexure of the articulatio genus.MUSCLES OF KNEE JOINT:Quadricepss femoris Popliteus Semitendinosus Semimembranous Sartorius Bicepss femoris Gastrocnemius PlantarisBURSAE AROUND THE KNEE JOINT:Anteriorly:The suprapatellar Bursa The prepatellar Bursa Superficial intrapatellar Bursa Deep infrapatellar BursaLaterally:A Bursa between sidelong indirect ligament and biceps tendon A Bursa between sidelong indirect ligament and popliteus sinew Popliteus Bursa lies between the popliteus and sidelong condyle of thighbone.Medially:The tibial inter sinewy Bursa ( pes anserine Bursa ) A Bursa between median collateral ligament and semimembranous sinew A Bursa between semimembranous sinews and shinbone.Posteriorly:A Bursa between sidelong caput of gastrocnemius and capsule. Semimembranous Bursa ( brodies bursa )NERVE SUPPLY:Femoral nervus Sciatic nervus Obturator nervusBLOOD Supply:The arterial supply to knee joint, is from the subdivisions of Popliteal arteria Femoral arteria Tibial arteriaTIBIO-FEMORAL ARTHROKINEMATICS:Viewed in the sagittal plane, the thighbone ‘s jointing surface is convex while the shinbone ‘s in concave. We can foretell arthrokinematics based on the regulations of concave shape and convexness:During Knee ExtensionDuring Knee FlexionOpen ChainClosed ChainOpen ChainClosed ChainTibia Glides Anteriorly On Femur Femur Glides Posteriorly On Tibia Tibia Glides Posteriorly On Femur Femur Glides Anteriorly On Tibia from 20o articulatio genuss flexure to full extension from full articulatio genus extension to 20o flexure Tibia rotates externally Femur rotates internally on stable shinbone Tibia rotates internally Femur rotates externally on stable shinboneTHE â€Å" SCREW-HOME † Mechanism:Rotation between the shinbone and thighbone occurs automatically between full extension ( 0o ) and 20o of articulatio genus flexure. These figures illustrate the top of the right tibial tableland as we look down on it during knee gesture. top of tibial tableland top of tibial tableland top of tibial tableland During Knee Extension, the shinbone glides anteriorly on the thighbone. During the last 20 grades of articulatio genus extension, anterior tibial semivowel persists on the shinbone ‘s median condyle because its articular surface is longer in that dimension than the sidelong condyle ‘s. Prolonged anterior semivowel on the median side produces external tibial rotary motion, the â€Å" screw-home † mechanism.THE SCREW-HOME MECHANISM REVERSES DURING KNEE FLEXIONtop of tibial tableland top of tibial tableland top of tibial tableland When the articulatio genus begins to flex from a place of full extension, posterior tibial semivowel begins foremost on the longer median condyle. Between 0 deg. extension and 20 deg. of flexure, posterior semivowel on the median side produces comparative tibial internal rotary motion, a reversal of the screw-home mechanism.Entire KNEE REPLACEMENTEntire articulatio genus replacing is indicated when there is unremitting terrible hurting in the articulatio genus with or without malformation. The pain/ malformation may e due to osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and assorted non specific arthritis. It relieves hurting, provides mobility and right malformation. Entire articulatio genus replacing is a surgical process in which injured or damaged parts of the articulatio genus articulation are replaced with unreal parts. The process is performed by seperating the musculuss and ligaments around the articulatio genus to expose the articulatio genus capsule. The articulatio genus capsule is opened, exposed the interior of the joint. The terminal of the thighbone and tibial are removed. The unreal parts are cemented into topographic point. The articulatio genus will dwell of metal shell at the terminal of the thighbone, a metal and plastic trough on the shinbone and if needed a fictile button in the cap. In a manner this could be more suitably called a Knee resurfacing operation. Tocopherol: New FolderNAGU PROJECTimAGESTotal-Knee-Replacement.jpg The entire articulatio genus replacing can be: Unicompartmental arthroplasty: The Articular surface of thighbone and shinbone, either the medial or sidelong compartment of the articulatio genus are replaced by an implant. Eg: osteoathritis. Bicomprtmental arthroplasty: In bicompartmental arthroplasty, the articular surface of shinbone and thighbone of both median and sidelong compartments of the articulatio genus articulations are replaced by an implant. The 3rd compartment i.e.. , the patellofemoral articulation is nevertheless left intact. Tricomprtmental arthroplasty: the articular surface of the lower thighbone, upper shinbone and kneecap are replaced by prosthetic device. Most normally performed arthroplsty. The prosthetic device consists of a tibial constituent, a metal femoral constituent and a high molecular weight polythene button for articular surface of the kneecap.TKA GOALSRestore mechanical alliance [ impersonal tibiofemoral alliance = 4A °-6A ° of anatomic valgus ] , Horizontal joint line, Soft tissue balance ( ligament ) , ( Patella tracking ( Q-angle )IndicationOteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Hemophilic arthritis Traumatic arthritis Sero negative arthrides Crystal deposition disease Pigmented villonoular synovitis Avascular mortification Bone dysplasias Asymmetric arthritsCONTRA INDICATIONAbsolute contraindicationsHolocene or curren joint infection Sepsis or systematic infection Neuropathic arthropathy Painful solid articulatio genus mergerRelative contraindicationsSevere osteoporosis Debilated hapless wellness Non working extensor mechanism Painless, good working arthrodesis Significant peripheral vascular diseasesTKA ComplicationsDeath: 0.53 % Periprosthetic Infection: 0.71 % Pneumonic emboli: 0.41 % Patella break: Component Relaxation: Tibial tray wear: Peroneal Nerve Palsy: 0.3 % to 2 % Periprosthetic Femur Fracture: Periprosthetic Tibial Fracture: Wound Complications / Skin gangrene: rare Patellar Clunk Syndrome: rare Patellofemoral Instability: 0.5 % -29 % DVT: Instability: Popliteal artery hurt: 0.05 % Quadricepss Tendon Rupture: 0.1 % Patellar Tendon Rupture: & lt ; 2 % Stiffness: Fat Embolism MCL ruptureNeed AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY:Need of the survey:To cut down flexure contracture To better scope of gesture To better functional activitySignificance of the survey:This survey is to measure the efficaciousness of dynamic splinting for articulatio genus flexure contracture following a entire articulatio genus arthroplasty.Statement of the job:To analyze the efficaciousness of dynamic splinting for articulatio genus flexure contracture following a entire articulatio genus arthroplasty. Therefore the survey is entitled as â€Å" efficaciousness of dynamic splinting for articulatio genus flexure contracture following a entire articulatio genus arthroplasty † .Aims:To cut down flexure contracture To better scope of gesture To analyse the consequence of dynamic articulatio genus splintNull hypothesis:The void hypothesis can be stated as follows there is no important difference in articulatio genus flexure contracture after the application of dynamic knee splint.Alternate hypothesis:The hypothesis can be stated as follows there is important difference in articulatio genus flexure contracture after the application of dynamic knee splint.2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE:1. TOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTY:Simon H Palmer, MD, Consultant Surgeon: Sep 21, 2010 Osteoarthritis devastation of the articulatio genus is the most common ground for entire knee replacing. Jayant joshi, prakash kotwal says that entire knee replacing alleviations pain, provides mobility & A ; corrects malformation.2. FLEXION Contracture:J. Ilyas ; A.H. Deakin ; C. Brege ; and F. Picard Flexion contracture is a common malformation encountered in patients necessitating entire articulatio genus arthroplasty ( TKA ) . Department of orthopedicss, aureate jubilee national infirmary, clydebank, Glasgow, g81 4hx, United Kingdom. One hundred and four uninterrupted TKA were completed by a individual adviser utilizing the OrthoPilot ( BBraun, Aesculap ) pilotage system and Columbus implants. Seventy-four articulatio genuss had preoperative flexure contracture ( including impersonal articulatio genuss ) while 30 were in hyperextension. Ouellet D, Moffet H. Arthritis Rheum October 2002 Large motion shortages are present, particularly in single-limb support pre-op and 2 months following TKA. Huei-Ming Chai, PHD. November 24, 2008 sum articulatio genus arthroplasty bounds scope of gesture3. DYNAMIC SPLINT:Dennis cubic decimeter armstrong, m.d. Buck Willis, Ph.D. evaluates the efficaciousness of dynamic knee extension splinting for articulatio genus flexure contracture following TKA. FingerA E, WillisA FB Health Physical Education, Recreation, Texas State University, Cases Journal 2008, Physical therapy entirely did non to the full cut down the contracture and dynamic splinting was so prescribed for day-to-day low-load, prolonged-duration stretch. Finger E, Willis B 29Dec2008: Dynasplint offers extension Systems to help in rehabilitation and recovery from flexure contracture. Clinical surveies have demonstrated greatest mean decrease in rehabilitation clip and cost with the usage of Dynasplint Systems in concurrence with physical therapy. Willis FB Biomechanics.2008 Jan ; 15 After surgery, a patient is frequently left with sawed-off connective tissue and may hold a hard clip walking usually once more. Wearing a dynamic articulatio genus splint will lengthen and reconstruct the tissue to reconstruct scope of gesture. McClure P, Blackburn L, Dusold C Ideally, have oning your Dynasplint for 6-8 uninterrupted hours yields the best consequences as it allows a safe, long enduring remodeling of the soft tissue. Cliffordr.Wheeless, Iii, Md.December3, 2008. The intent of this study is to reexamine the usage of external fixator for the gradual rectification of terrible articulatio genus flexure contractures that bound patient map. James f. Mooney three, mendelevium, l. Andrew koman Posted: 05/01/2001 Average preoperative flexure contracture was 80.5A ° . Each patient achieved full extension. There was one return, despite brace, which was managed with replacing of the fixator and soft tissue processs4. CONVENTIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR KNEE ARTHRITIS:Jan.K.Richardson, Pt, Phd, Ocs Said that arthritis is a degenerative disease of the gristle and castanetss that consequences in hurting and stiffness in affected articulation. There is no remedy for arthritis, but physical therapy can do life easier and less painful. Brigham And Women ‘s Hospital Department of Rehabilitation Services Physical Therapy.ROM along with proper soft tissue balance is required to guarantee proper biomechanics in the articulatio genus articulation. Aggressive post-operative PT has been shown to be effectual in bettering patient results and shortening length of stay Balint G And Sz Ebenyl.B Showed that curative exercisings decreases hurting, increases musculus weariness and scope of gesture every bit good as improve endurance and aerophilic capacity. Weight decrease is proven in corpulent patients with OA of articulatio genus. Curative heat and cold, galvanism, stylostixis are widely used. Dr. Margriet new wave baar reported that important good effects from exercising therapy including betterments in ego reported hurting, disablement, walking ability and overall sense of good being. Dorr LD.A J Arthroplasty June 2002 CPM helps accomplish articulatio genus scope of gesture quicker in first post-op hebdomads but at concluding followups, no difference in concluding scope of gesture Byrne, et al.A Clin Biomech October 2002 Deficits in articulatio genus strength balanced by increased hip extensor work ; rehab should optimise bilateral hip and articulatio genus map after TKA McManus et al 2006, Jorge et al 2006 the higher frequences ( 90-130Hz ) to excite the hurting gate mechanisms & A ; thereby dissemble the hurting symptoms. Ozcan et Al, 2004 Low frequence nervus stimulation is physiologically effectual ( as with TENS and NMES ) and this is the key to IFT intercession. Adedoyin, R. A. , et Al. ( 2002 ) .IFT acts chiefly on the excitable ( nervus ) tissues, the strongest effects are likely to be those which are a direct consequence of such stimulation ( i.e. hurting alleviation and musculus stimulation ) . National Taiwan University Hospital, November 2008 PNF stretching techniques has been used often for patients with entire articulatio genus arthroplasty in clinical pattern to increase scope of gesture efficaciously and decreased articulatio genus hurting during exercising. Huei-Ming Chai, PHD November 24, 2008 PNF stretching technique is a curative technique utilizing the PNF construct to the related muslces either to increase neuro-inhibition mechanism for let go ofing musculus cramp and stretching musculus length, or to increase neuro-excitation mechanism for heightening musculus strength Harold B. James H. Beaty, MD Range-of-motion exercisings, musculus strengthening, pace preparation, and direction in executing activities of day-to-day life are of import.5. GONIOMETRIC MEASURENT FOR ROM:Carlos Lavernia, MD, Range of gesture appraisal through direct observation without a goniometer provides inaccurate findings. Mark D. Rossi, PhD, PT, CSCS The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 23 No. 6 Suppl. 1 2008 Measured tonss utilizing a goniometer provided an improved grade of truth, but consequences appear to be dependent on the clinician executing the measuring. Richard l. Gajdosik Associate Professor Physical healers may accept most knee goniometric measurings as clinically valid, and the grounds indicates that most of these measurings are dependable.6. KNEE SOCIETY SCORE:Gil Scuderi, MD-Chair ; Jim Benjamin, MD ; Jess Lonner, MD ; Bob Bourne, MD and Norm Scott, MD, 2007, The Knee Society evaluation system ( KSS ) was foremost published in CORR in 1989 and has become the standard clinical rating system for describing consequences for patients undergoing Entire Knee Replacement. John N. Insall, MD, Lawrence D. Dorr, Scott, MD Rationale of the Knee Society clinical evaluation system. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1989 Nov: The Knee Society has proposed this new evaluation system to be simple but more fastidious and more nonsubjective. MD, Richard D. Scott, MD, and W. Norman It is hoped the articulatio genus society evaluation system will go universally recognized and will be adopted by all writers, even if they wish to describe consequences utilizing a customary marking method every bit good.3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY:Materials:Evaluation tool:Goniometry Knee society markOutcome step:Scope of gesture Knee mark Function markMaterial used:Dynamic articulatio genus splintMethodology:( A ) Study design:30 topics with flexure contracture following one-sided TKA assigned in two groups.GROUP A:15 topics: Dynamic Splint Along With Conventional Physiotherapy.GROUP B:15 topics: Conventional Physiotherapy.( B ) Study scene:This survey was carried out in the section of physical medical specialty and rehabilitation, Sri Ramakrishna infirmary, Coimbatore.( C ) Study continuance:This survey was carried out for a period of 6 months.( D ) Sampling:Random sampling.INCLUSION CRITERIA:Age: 45 to 70 old ages. Both sex Flexure contracture: 20 – 12 deg ( post operatively ) Unilateral TKA Reduced flexibleness in AROM of articulatio genus extension Pain that is worsened by flexing over while legs are consecutive Impaired pace form Ability to understand informed consent and experiment dutiesExclusion Standards:Fractures Bilateral TKA TKA & lt ; 2 months Knee sepsis Osteomyelitis or any orthopaedic infection Extensor mechanism disfunction Psoriasis Knee articulation neuropathy Previous Stroke or Brain InjurySTATISTICS Tool:The information collected was analyzed utilizing independent t-test. The trial was carried out between two groups. Independent't ‘ trial was used to compare the effectivity of intervention between the groups. T = S = X1 = Difference between pretest and posttest values of Group I X2 = Difference between pretest and posttest values of Group II = Mean difference of Group I = Mean difference of Group II n1 = No. of samples in Group I n2 = No. of samples in Group II S = Combined criterion divergenceTreatment:Dynamic articulatio genus Extension splint:The Rebound Effecthypertext transfer protocol: // % Average Reduction in Time and Cost Associated with ROM Rehabilitationâ€Å" High-force, short-duration stretching favours recoverable, elastic tissue distortion, whereas low-force, long-duration stretching enhances lasting fictile distortion. In the clinical scene, high force application has a greater hazard of doing hurting and perchance ruptures of tissue. Dynasplint Systems improve scope of gesture by making lasting, non-traumatic tissue elongation and remodeling, therefore virtually extinguishing the scope of gesture recoil consequence frequently observed in the clinical scene. RangerKnee2Features & A ; BenefitsLLPS ( Low-Load, Prolonged-Duration Stretch ) engineering has been proven to successfully handle joint stiffness and limited scope of gesture. Early application can cut down clip and cost associated with scope of gesture rehabilitation Simple, adjustable and consistent bilateral tensioning System Available for rent or purchase Biomechanically right Comfortable to have on Each Dynasplint System is recycled to cut down waste and assist the environment A Dynasplint Systems adviser will suit your patients and oversee their intervention to guarantee the best possible consequences Over a one-fourth of a million patients have been successfully treated with Dynasplint Systems Handily labeled and easy to utilizePatient Wearing ProtocolPlease reexamine the tenseness your Dynasplint adviser set for you ab initio. In the beginning, the splint should be worn for 2-4 hours. Do non increase the tenseness until you can digest nightlong wear. Time is the most of import factor and your first end should be 6-8 hours of hurting free wear. After accomplishing this clip end, when you take the splint off if you have less than 1 hr of post-wear stiffness, bend tenseness up by one on both sides. However if you are unable to have on the splint for a drawn-out period of clip, diminish the tenseness by a half to one full bend. During the procedure of recovering your scope of gesture, if you have any inquiry or concerns reach your Dynasplint adviser. hypertext transfer protocol: // Treatment:MODALITIES FOR PAIN CONTROL, EDEMA REDUCTION:Moist Heat Functional electrical stimulation Transdermal electrical stimulation Ice therapy Interferential therapy Voltaic StimulationJoint Mobilization:Flexion limitationPosition: patient seated Posterior semivowel of shinbone on femur-grade 3 Oscillation with 30 2nd clasp, Repeated 5 times with patellar mobilisation of inferior semivowels ( 5 mins )Extension limitationPosition: patient prone with kneecap off of tabular array Anterior semivowel of shinbone on femur- class 3 oscillation and inactive clasp ( 10 secs in 3 repeats ) with patellar mobilisation superior semivowels ( 5 mins )EXERCISE Plan:Closed and unfastened kinetic concatenation strengthening exercisings Proprioceptive/balance exercisings aiming the bole and lower appendage muscular structure Partial organic structure weighted knee bends Gait preparation Scope of gesture exercisings Heel slide ( supine & A ; sitting ) Stretching ( prone/supine ) to increase articulatio genus extension ROMGAIT Training:Forward Walking Hedging Backward or Retro-WalkingFunctional Training:Standing Transportation Activities Raising Transporting Pushing or Pulling Squating or Crouching Return-to-Work UndertakingsENDURANCE Training:Upper organic structure exercising. Ambulation activities One-leg cycling, utilizing non-operative leg with opposition to gesture.BALANCE/PROPRIOCEPTION Training:Tandem Walking Lateral Stepping over/around objects Weight-Shifting Activities Closed Kinetic Chain Activities5. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION:KNEE EXTENSION ROM: Group IPre trial( Two months after TKA )Post trial( conventional PT with SPLINT )DifferenceX116 0 16 16 1 15 16 2 14 16 2 14 16 4 12 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 1 13 14 1 13 14 2 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11Mean=12.93PRE TEST AND POST KNEE EXTENSION ROM: Group IKNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP IIPre trial( Two months after TKA )Post trial( conventional PT without splint )DifferenceX218 7 11 18 6 12 18 6 12 18 6 12 18 4 14 16 7 9 16 7 9 16 4 12 16 4 12 16 4 12 14 3 11 14 4 10 14 4 12 14 2 12 14 2 of freedom = 28The chance of this consequence, presuming the void hypothesis, is 0.009PRE TEST AND POST KNEE EXTENSION ROM: GROUP IIKNEE SCORE AND FUNCTION SCORE:S.No.ParametersGroupsMeanS.D.Value‘t ‘ Value1. Knee Tonss Group A 18 4.47 3.06 Group B 13 2. Function Mark Group A 35.6 4.98 3.01 Group B 30.1MEAN DIFFERENCE BETWEENKNEE SCORE AND FUNCTION SCOREDEMOGRAPHIC DATATHE AGE OF THE SAMPLES BETWEEN 45 -70 YEARS IN EACH GROUPAge ( old ages )No. of SamplesEntireGroup AGroup B45-50 4 3 7 50-55 5 4 9 55-60 2 5 7 60-65 2 2 4 65-70 2 1 3Entire NUMBER OF MALES AND FEMALES IN EACH GROUPSexual activityNo. of SamplesEntireGroup AGroup BMale 8 10 18 Females 7 5 12Entire NUMBER OF RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE INVOLVEMENT IN EACH GROUPSide of engagementNo. of SamplesEntireGroup AGroup BRight 11 8 19 Left 4 7 115. DiscussionEntire articulatio genus arthroplasty ( TKA ) is considered the intervention of pick for patients with intractable hurting and significant functional disablements who have non had acceptable alleviation and functional betterment after conservative intervention. Knee flexure contracture is a common pathology following TKA impacting up to 61 % of these patients. The intent of the survey is to find the effectivity of dynamic splinting in handling patients with flexion contracture following Unilateral TKA. Literature reexamine provinces that there is important difference between dynamic splinting and conventional physical therapy direction in cut downing flexure contracture following Unilateral TKA. A sum of 30 patients with one-sided TKA were selected under inclusive standards and were indiscriminately allocated into an experimental group and control group as Group A and group B severally. In each group 15 Persons were allotted In Group A, dynamic splint along with conventional physical therapy was given and in Group B, Conventional physical therapy entirely was given. Both Groups were treated for a period of 6 months and the pre trial and station trial values are taken on the 1st ( 2 months after TKA ) and at the terminal of 6th months. In between Follow up appraisals were done at regular interval of every two hebdomads to judge the forecast. Statistical analysis performed between the Group A and Group B and the consequences showed the undermentioned result. The scope of gesture and functional betterment among the patients following the intercession was evaluated by Goniometry and knee society mark severally.ParameterGroupsMeanâ€Å" T † Valueâ€Å" Phosphorus † ValueScope of gestureA 12.9 2.82 0.009 Bacillus 11.5Knee markA 18 3.06 0.005 Bacillus 13Function markA 35.6 3.01 0.005 Bacillus 30.1 With goniometric measuring the scope of gesture showed a important betterment of about12.9 and 11.5 for Group A and Group B severally. â€Å" T † value for the independent T trial calculated between the Group is 2.82 which is important at the degree of 0.009 degree at 28 grades of freedom. With knee society mark measurement the articulatio genus mark showed a important betterment of about18 and 13 for Group A and Group B severally. â€Å" T † value for the independent T trial calculated between the Group is 3.06 which is important at the degree of 0.005 degree at 28 grades of freedom. With knee society mark measurement the map mark showed a important betterment of about35.6 and 30.1 for Group A and Group B severally. â€Å" T † value for the independent T trial calculated between the Group is 3.01 which is important at the degree of 0.005 degree at 28 grades of freedom.6. DecisionFrom statistical analysis it is clear that there was a average decrease in flexure contracture of about 12.9 of Group A when compared to 11.5 with that of Group B. The calculated't ‘ value was 2.82 which is greater than the table value at 28 grades of freedom With knee society score it was apparent that the Group A ( articulatio genus mark and map mark ) showed a important average betterment of about 18 and 35.6 when compared to 13 and 30.1 with Group B ( knee mark and map mark ) severally. The calculated't ‘ value was 3.06 which is greater than the table value at 28 grades of freedom. Hence it is cleared that dynamic splinting reduces flexure contracture from 20-12deg ( two month after TKA ) to 5-0 deg ( after the application of dynamic splint ) So the statistical analysis infers us to reject void hypothesis and at that place by accepting the alternate hypothesis i.e. there is important difference in articulatio genus flexure contracture after the application of dynamic knee splint. Hence it is suggested that supplying a dynamic splint is effectual in cut downing flexure contracture and bettering functional position in intervention of articulatio genus flexure contracture following one-sided TKA.LIMITATION OF STUDYSample size is smaller. It is a clip edge survey. The survey was carried on with few nonsubjective parametric quantities in entering the efficaciousness of intervention. The survey concentrated merely on one-sided TKASuggestionThe survey could hold been done with long term follow up and more figure of patients, to analyse the result. The survey could hold employed some more parametric quantities to measure the clinical result more accurately and exactly Further surveies can be done, to analyse the effects of dynamic splint in bilateral TKA. Further surveies can be done, to compare the effects of dynamic splint in one-sided and bilateral TKA.Bibliography1. David J. Magee, Orthopedic Physical Assessment, Second edition, W.B. Saunders company London 1992. 2. Kothari C.R ; Research methodological analysis methods and techniques, wiswaprakasan. 3. Robert Dontelli ; orthopedic P.T 4. Bent And Brotzmen ; Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. 5. Carolyn Kisner & A ; Lynn Allen Colby ; Therapeutic Exercises Foundation & A ; Techniques, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers 1996, Third edition. 6. Carrie M.Hall, Therapeutic Exercise traveling towards map, Walters kluwer company. 7. Jayant Joshi, Essentials of orthopaedicss & A ; applied physical therapy, New Delhi B.I. Churchill Livingstone pvt Ltd 1993. 8. T.S. Ranganathan, A Text book of Human Anatomy, New Delhi, S Chand & A ; company, 1990 Fourth Edition 9. B.D Chaurasia, Human Anatomy Third edition, CBS Publishers New Delhi. 10. Carolyn M. Hicks & A ; Research for Physiotherapist, Project design analysis, Second add-on, Churchill populating rock, New York, Tokyo. 11. Cynthia C. Norkin Pamela K. Levangies joint construction & A ; Function, Third edition. 12. Graies anatomy: erectile dysfunction 13, 1899 13. J.Maheshwari, MS ortho: essestial orthopedicss. 14. Jagmohan singh: text book of electrotherapy 3rd edition 2005 15. Ann Thomson et Al: tidy ‘s physical therapy, London, butterworth, heinman, 191 12th edition 16. Patricia A. Downie, hard currency text edition of orthopedicss & A ; Rheumatology for physical therapist, jaypee brothers, 1993: 1st edition. 17. Mayilvahanan Natarajan: text book of orthopedicss & A ; tramatology 4th edition. 18. Susan B.O.sullaivan, physical rehabilitation appraisal & A ; intervention, 4th edition jaypee brothers, new Delhi 2001 19. Joan M. Walker, Antonie helewa, physical therapy in arthritis, A division of hartcourt brace & A ; company.APPENDICIESAppendix: 1Basic rating chartPOST OPERATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENTSubjective AppraisalName: Age: Sexual activity: M/F Occupation: Address: Date of Admission: Referred by: Date of surgery: Side operated: Right / Left Height ; Weight: IP/OP figure: Chief ailments:Critical marksTemperature ( Beat/Min ) Pulse rate ( F ) Respiratory Rate ( mm/Hg ) : Blood Pressure ( Breaths/min )Pain appraisalSide of hurting Site of hurting Type of hurting Nature of hurting Duration of hurting Intensity Worsening factors Reliving factors Rating of hurting by ocular / parallel graduated tableNo hurtingSlight hurtingModerate hurtingSevere hurting0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Medical HistoryI ) Past Medical History – Any old disease or hurt two ) Present Medical History Onset Duration Intensity Worsening factors Activities of day-to-day life three ) Personal History – Smoker or intoxicant four ) History of occupation V ) Surgical history Name of sawbonesOn PalpationInflammatory marks: Warmth and Tenderness Crackle Muscles spasm Oedema: Piting / Non PitingOn ExaminationMusculo skeletalJoint ROMJointMotionActivePassivePain freePain fullPain freePain fullHip Flexure Extension Abduction Adduction External rotary motion Internal rotary motion Knee Flexure Extension Medical rotary motion Lateral rotary motion Ankle Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion Inversion Eversion Muscle power Muscle blowing – quadriceps Deep sinew Reflexes Deformites Limb length measuringsGait AssessmentType of pace Measure length Stride length Base breadth Cadance External contraptions ( Splints or orthosis ) Type of walking AIDSsRespiratory AssessmentType of respiration ( Thoraco Abdomen, Abdomino – thoracic ) Pattern of respiration ( Asymmetry or Symmetry ) Depth of respiration ( shallow or deep ) Accessory musculuss of respiration Chest enlargement aˆ? Axilla aˆ? Nipple aˆ? XiphisternumFunctional AppraisalProblem listManagementShort term directionPurposesLong-run direction Short term managemMeanssLong-run directionAPPENDIX 2:DYNASPLINT SYSTEM, RANGE OF MOTION AND COMMON DIAGNOSESFOR ORTHOPAEDICAL CONDITIONS:1. Knee extension dynasplint system ( ked )ROM=65 ° flexure to 25 ° hyperextension2. Knee flexure dynasplint system ( kfd ) :ROM=50 ° flexure to 140 ° flexure Common DIAGNOSES: ( extension & A ; flexure ) Entire articulatio genus replacings, Tibial tableland breaks, Tendon and ligament fixs ( ACL, PCL ) , Open decrease internal arrested development ( ORIF ) , Burns, Meniscectomy, Tendon releasesFOR NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS:1. Knee extension neurological dynasplint system ( ken ) :ROM=130 ° flexure to 40 ° flexure2. Double-jointed articulatio genus extension dynasplint system ( ked-dj ) :ROM=130 ° flexure to 50 ° hyperextensionCommon DIAGNOSES:Head injury and spinal cord hurts, Cerebral paralysis ( CP ) , intellectual vascular accident ( CVA ) , and other neurological conditions.FOR AMPUTEE:1. Knee amputee extension dynasplint system ( bka-ed ) :ROM=65 ° flexure to 25 ° hyperextensionCommon DIAGNOSES:Distal limb remotionAppendix: 3:GONIOMETRY OF THE KNEEGestureRecommended Testing PositionStabilizationCenterProximal ArmDistal ArmStartEndFlexureSupine, articulatio genus in ext. Initially hip in 00 ext, abd, add, but as articulatio genus flexes, hip besides flexes Stabilize thighbone to forestall rotary motion, abduction & A ; adduction Over sidelong epicondyle of thighbone Lateral midplane of thighbone, citing greater trochanter Lateral midplane of calf bone, mention sidelong malleolus & A ; fibular caput hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //, articulatio genus in ext. Hip in 00 ext, abd, attention deficit disorder. Stabilize thighbone to forestall rotary motion, abduction & A ; adduction Over sidelong epicondyle of thighbone Lateral midplane of thighbone, citing greater trochanter Lateral midplane of calf bone, mention sidelong malleolus & A ; fibular caput hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //