Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Trace the scientific Method in a Primary Scientific Article Assignment
Trace the scientific Method in a Primary Scientific Article - Assignment Example The final step includes monitoring the blood glucose every week for five weeks (American Chemical Society, 2010). The experimental design consists of a control group that is made up of a control group that comprised of 11 mice given regular water. The treatment group comprise of 10 laboratory mice that were fed on diluted coffee. The independent variables are diluted water and regular drinking water. The dependent variables are the mice and the blood glucose. The outcomes indicate that drinking coffee may prevent the growth of high blood sugar as well as enhance insulin responsiveness in the laboratory mice. The conclusions suggest that caffeine is a very effective antidiabetic compound in coffee (American Chemical Society, 2010). The test subjects and the treatment were important and appropriate because the issue of concern in this study was to test if coffee could reduce the level of blood glucose. Therefore, it was paramount for one group to be fed with coffee and the other with regular water. The restriction of the conclusion drawn by the study is that it does not specify the quantity of coffee drank by each mouse in the control group. Therefore, it difficult to conclude which amount of diluted coffee is suitable to suppress diabetes. This research is important because it gives a comprehension of how the caffeine in the coffee is assumed to lower the blood glucose. The caffeine is ingested hence causing amelioration of hyperglycemia and also enhances fatty liver. As a result, coffee puts a suppressive impact on hyperglycemia through the improvement of insulin reactivity (Yamauchi et al., 2010). Horio, F. (2010). Coffee and caffeine ameliorate hyperglycemia, fatty liver, and inflammatory adipocytokine expression in spontaneously diabetic KK-Ay mice. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 58(9),
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker
Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker Communication Diversity and the Human Services Worker Introduction Effective communication is more than just passing information from one person to another, we communicate both verbally and non-verbally (Howard 1991) in addition, we all hunger for contact that is meaningful. A communicator enters into relationships with other people (Gamble Gamble 2008). Healthy communication is essential, we all like to be valued and heard, and it is fundamental to all people from all facets of life and in all sectors of society (Bolton 1987, p. 4). Daily, human services workers encounter a diverse range of people, from colleagues to clients, professionals, and the public. Therefore, responding appropriately is necessary for effective communication to occur. Communication is never neutral (Tyler, Kossen Ryan 2005, p. 26) furthermore, we construct our world view from our own point of view as well as the point of view of the culture or society that we inhabit (Tyler, Kossen Ryan). Hence, there can be barriers to effective communication when class and low socio-economic circumstances are present. There is a tendency for Australians to look down on low-income earners and those receiving government benefits. To some, a low-income earner has less value because the belief is that they are non-contributors to the wealth and growth of Australian society. While this occurs less in the human services industry than in general, none the less it still occurs. Terms used within the community such as dole bludger have a negative connotation, and present difficulties that impact in an unconstructive manner on low income earners who may already be feeling guilty about their inability to find employment. Careless terms, labels, and negative attitudes build resentment, which has consequences that can flow on from clients to their families, whether from ill health, crime, family breakdowns, or drug and alcohol problems. Ineffective communication causes an interpersonal gap that is experienced in all facets of life and in all sectors of societyeven death results when communication breaks down (Bolton 1987, p.4). Covey (1989, p. 239) states, Unless you are influenced by my uniqueness, Im not going to be influenced by your advice therefore, building effective emotional bank accounts (Covey, p. 239) is crucial for successful communication to occur. This essay will address issues that confront human services workers and the challenges they face when working with unemployed people from low socio-economic backgrounds. Situation Australia is supposed to be an egalitarian society but increasingly it is becoming a nation of haves and have nots. The divide between rich and poor continues to expand (Barrett, Crossley Worswick 1999; The Age 1999, cited in Healey 2001). Stratification based on economic and social position is becoming a part of the Australian identity (Hartley 2002). The success of some at the expense of others has also seen growing resentment by those on welfare who see themselves as victims (The Weekend Australian 2000, p. 23, cited in Healey 2001). Hegemony refers to the dominant classes maintenance of social and cultural domination over others (OSullivan et al. 1983). It forces people to hand over their power either consciously or unconsciously by creating a power bloc (OSullivan, p. 102). Government agencies such as Centrelink, job network centres, and training institutions, which in theory are neutral and are there to represents everybody often exercise their power to achieve hidden company outcomes. As the dominant economic class, they look after the interests of the company first and their clients needs often become secondary. Unequal power relationships that influence the manner in which people communicate with each other are easy to develop and difficult to dismantle. The exchange between senders and receivers is an active encounter in which participants frequently occupy positions of unequal power (Kress 1988, p15). Those on the receiving end feel diminished, unheard, and often defensive. Negative stereotypes on both sides are liable to increase, and self-fulfilling prophecies and conflict occurs because of ineffective communication. There is growing concern about welfare dependency and the impact this is having on the economy. There is a shift in government policy, the emphasis now is that those on welfare must accept more responsibility for their economic circumstances (Saunders 2005). Community service workers understand that participation in order to lead a rich meaningful life within the community it is necessary to have a healthy self-esteem. They are aware that social exclusion and unemployment deny people the opportunity to participate (Saunders). Approach Reading body language, paying attention to details and clear effective communication require well developed skills that human service workers need to keep in mind when working with clients. When communication, the life blood of every relationship (Bolton 1987, p. 6) is positive, it creates nurturing fulfilling relationships. As fifty-five percent of all communication consists of body language (Hargie Dickson 2004, p. 46), particular attention to non-verbal communication skills is required. Non-verbal communication such as a sneer, a sense of distain, or body language that is closed, communicates indifference, which can be as damaging as a verbal confrontation. As a human services worker it is essential that the clients your there to assist do not feel ostracised by the agencies assigned to help them. Human service workers must be conscious of non-verbal behaviour, their own and their clients because non-verbal behaviour often contains significant, misleading, and undeclared messages (Baney 2004). How people dress, their posture, eye contact and how they walk all convey meaning, and reveal to the observer a myriad of information. Cultural differences need to need recognition, studies show that African Americans and white Americans gaze in opposite directions when spoken to (Hargie 2006), Indigenous Australians also avoid eye contact. Avoid judgements because for clients to develop a healthy self-concept, judgement does not have to be verbal to be experienced. Judgement is one of the major roadblocks to successful communication (Rogers cited in Bolton 1987, p.17). Most people fear rejection and the surest way to create it in relationships with people is through judgement and criticism. Our sense of self develops through our interactions with others, we are social beings, and developing self-awareness is an important step in understanding ourselves and other people (Gamble Gamble 2008). Our self-concept and self-image is often warped and unbalanced, often how we see ourselves differs from how others see us. Our culture teaches us to repress our feelings, and many people are unaware of what emotionally, is actually occurring inside of them (Bolton 1987). A new counsellor may want to help clients avoid painful emotions, but emotional release encourages healing processes to occur (Geldard Geldard 1998, p. 50). An effective counsellor has the capacity to help their clients to feel what is happening within them, by either understanding what the client is verbally expressing, or transmitting by body language. By assisting clients whose body language maybe conveying feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, a human services worker, can bring to their clients attention factors that their clients maybe unaware of, and hence the client can begin to address them. Human service workers must be aware that giving advice can create interfere-iority complex (Bolton 1987, p. 22) and they must avoid giving advice but rather assist clients to find solutions. How something is expressed alters reactions, and those with low self-esteem often expect criticism from others, and possibly will read into statements meaning that was never there (Bolton 1987). Human service workers have the ability to reflect feelings back to the speaker, and are in a position to offer assistance that can and does make a difference in peoples lives. Building self-esteem can mean the difference between employment and continuing unemployment for a client, as a positive relationship exists between career development and the ability to communicate effectively (Bolton 1987, Gamble Gamble 2008). Therefore, human services workers are required to have skills that go beyond those of basic communication. Listening, assertion, conflict-resolution, and collaborative problem solving skills (Bolton 1987) are strengths that assist practitioners successfully negotiate interpersonal communication. As Bolton says low-level communication, leads to ineffectiveness, both at work and in personal communication, consequently by developing effective intercommunication skills it will lead to increased competence in all areas of life. Listening skills are required for successful communication, paraphrasing lets the listener know that you understand what the speaker has said. It allows the listener to comprehend the context of what the speaker said, and therefore the speaker knows understanding has been achieved. Communication skills require empathy and genuineness and need to affirm and validate peoples experiences (Kenny, 1994). Attending skills, following skills and reflective skills (Bolton 1987) are all a part of listening and allow the listener to demonstrate a clear understanding of what the speaker has conveyed. Listening allows a counsellor to bring to the attention of clients the negative self-talk they may use. Clients can then overcome barriers and create for themselves employment opportunities previously denied with knowledge, new skills, and understanding. Conclusion Human service workers are at the forefront in developing new programs aimed at increasing participation within the workforce. They are working for government and job network agencies on programs that address issues such as appearance, attitude, and communication styles. They are aware that sending solutions (Bolton 1987, p.20) rather than assisting clients to come to their own conclusions are barriers to empowerment that could undermine a clients motivation. Eighty percent of people who fail at work do so for one reason: they do not relate well to other people (Bolton 1987, p. 7). Human service workers are adopting principals, with the intention of addressing this problem. They know that with the correct assistance the downward spiral that creates unemployment, class stigma, and low income is reversible. By assisting low-income earners and unemployed people to understand how their verbal and non-verbal cues are preventing them from leading fulfilling lives can help motivate people to change. Methods learnt as a child can be undone and the barriers broken so that they can participate in a meaningful way, to live fulfilling personal and social lives, as well as gaining employment. Skill building workshops, training workshops, and counselling aimed at improving interpersonal relations are a practical solution in assisting clients to gain the skills required to communicate effectively. The flow on from that comes from learning how communication barriers lead to anger, ineffectual and damaging social relationships and that a clearer understanding will empower, and assists the disadvantaged members of society. Creating a ripple effect that will be of benefit to the wider community. Communication is our link to the rest of humanity (Gamble Gamble 2008, p.5), therefore as workers in the human services industry by helping clients to win, ultimately we all share the rewards. References Baney, J 2004, Guide to interpersonal communication. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Barrett, G, Crossley, T Worswick, C 1999, Consumption and income inequality in Australia, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University Discussion Paper no.40. Bolton, R 1987, People skills, Simon and Schuster, NSW. Covey, SR 1989, 7 habits of highly effective people, Simon and Schuster, New York. Gamble, TK Gamble, M 2008, Communication works, McGraw-Hill, New York. Geldard, D Geldard, K 1998, Reflection of feelings, in Basic personal counselling, Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest, pp. 49-58. Hargie, O 2006, Skill in practice: An operational model of communicative performance, in O. Hargie (ed.), The handbook of communication skills, Routledge, London, pp. 37-70. Hargie, O Dickson, D 2004, Nonverbal communication, in Skilled interpersonal communication: research theory, and practice, Routledge, London, pp. 43-66. Hartley, J 2002, Communication cultural and media studies, Routledge, London. Healey, J (ed.) 2001, The wealth divide, Issues in Society, vol 141, The Spinney Press, NSW. Howard, G 1991, Can you put it on a t-shirt? David Charles, London. Kenny, S 2007, Developing communities for the future, Thompson, Victoria. Kress, G 1988, Communication and culture, in G. Kress (ed.), Communication and culture, New South Wales University Press, NSW. OSullivan, T, Hartley, J, Saunders, D Fiske, J, 1983, Key concepts in communication, Routledge, London. Saunders, P 2005, Welfare to work in practice, in P.Saunders (ed.), Welfare to work in practice social security and participation in economic and social life, Ashgate, Hants, England, pp. 1-7. Tyler, S, Kossen, C Ryan, C, 2005, Theories of communication, in Communication: a foundation course, Pearson Education Aust., Frenchs Forest, NSW, pp. 16-26.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Immorality of Child Labor Essay -- Papers Argumentative Children W
The Immorality of Child Labor Child labor is a serious moral issue. There have been many controversial debates over whether it should be legal or not. Two different viewpoints on the subject exist. Many argue that child labor is morally wrong and that the children should not work, no matter how poverty stricken their family might be. Advocates and major corporations that support child labor argue that it is good because it gives poverty-stricken families a source of income. Child labor first appeared with the development of domestic systems (when people became civilized). It was widely practiced in England, America, and other countries during the 16th-18th centuries. Children were paid very little for the dangerous conditions and the long hours they were required to work. Many of these children worked in factories, mills, mines, and other horrible places. Some families sold their children into labor for money to pay off debts. These children worked off the debt and were a source of income for the family. Today, child labor is illegal in most developed countries. There are strict laws that monitor the jobs, hours, wages, etc. that children have if they do work. An example of these laws, is one that requires all children to go to school until they are 16 years of age before they can drop out and be employed full time. Most third world and under-developed countries are where the majority of child laborers can be found. Child labor is morally wrong. The children shouldn?t be forced to work. Most children who work are little more than slaves to their employers. They put up with abuse, starvation, and sometimes never being paid for their work. One eight year-old boy, Munnilal, from Varanasi, I... ...hould be passed to better the conditions in which they work though. A. There have been laws passed that limit and reduce the amounts of child labor. B. Many organizations are working to improve child labor conditions and are succeeding in some cases. V. Personal Opinion/ Commentary- Children around the world shouldn?t be forced to work at all. They should be given a chance to live their lives. Bibliography: Works Cited Kielburger, Craig. ?It Starts With Me.? Guideposts November 1999 Parker, Dr. David. ?Stolen Dreams: Portraits of Working Children.? http://www.busph.bu.edu/Gallery/Introp.html 18 December 1999 Cleland, Hugh G. ?Child Labor.? Encyclopedia Americana. 1991 ed. Holstein, William J. ?Santa?s Sweatshop.? U.S. News and World Report 16 December 1999. http://www.geocites.com/CollegePark/Library/9175/inquiryl.html
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Blood Alcohol Content Essay
The thought of alcohol being involved in fatal crashes brings about an emotional response. Recently, there has been a movement based on emotion rather than logic to change a certain drinking and driving law. This involves lowering the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) from 0. 10% to 0. 08% nationwide. However, this attention is misdirected. By looking at my personal experiences, statistics, and current laws, it is clear that there is no need for lowering the BAC. First off, I do not drink. Yet, Iââ¬â¢ve had many experiences relating to drinking and driving through my friends. One thing Iââ¬â¢ve noticed is that it is extremely hard for people to tell if they are legally drunk or not. Furthermore, I have never heard any of my friends say that they feel that they should drive home because they have only a . 09% BAC. The law has very little effect on how many drinks a person decides to consume. Therefore, lowering the legal drunk limit will not result in people acting more responsible. Supporters of lowering the BAC like Judith Lee Stone in her essay ââ¬Å"YES! â⬠think they are targeting the problem of drunken driving, but the real problem lies within the higher BACs. Ninety three percent of fatal accidents are 0. 10% BAC and above, and half of those ninety three percent have a BAC of 0. 20% and above. The average BAC for fatal accidents is at actually at 0. 17%. This seems like a more logical target for new laws then 0. 08%. Furthermore, Stone asks ââ¬Å"Who would want their children in a car driven by someone who has consumed three, four, or even more beers in an hourâ⬠(Stone 46)? I couldnââ¬â¢t agree more. However, this common argument from the pro-0. 08% side is more like a parent responsibility question. They use this to manipulate our emotion by putting an innocent child in an improbable and unrelated situation. She also goes on to state, ââ¬Å"A study at Boston University found that 500 to 600 fewer highway deaths would occur annually if all states adopted 0. 08%â⬠(Stone 47). On the other hand, a similar study at University of North Carolina shows no significant change after their adoption of 0. 08%. Which study is correct? Most likely, both have some truthfulness. It could be either way depending on the state. The lowering of the Blood Alcohol Content percentage law is unnecessary and useless. Nevertheless, some states have already moved to the 0. 08%, and we hear the argument: ââ¬Å"It makes no sense for a driver to be legally drunk in one state but not in anotherâ⬠(Stone 46). To that, I ask a couple questions of my own. Why can I carry a concealed gun in one state and not another? Why is it that I can drive a certain speed in one state, but a different speed in another? The response to those questions and Stoneââ¬â¢s statement is all of the above are state laws. At this point, the federal government seems to get confused. In October 2000, congress passed a law that uses the statesââ¬â¢ money against them. It asserts that if a state doesnââ¬â¢t lower its BAC percentage to 0. 08% by 2003, it will lose two percent of its highway money. States that donââ¬â¢t like the law will be forced to vote for it because they are desperate for highway construction money. Strings shouldnââ¬â¢t be attached to this money. What are lost in all of this are the current laws for drunk driving. Driving while impaired is already illegal whether the person tests 0. 04% or 0. 10%. Courts can use alcohol test of 0. 04% and higher as evidence of impairment. Itââ¬â¢s at 0. 10% where a person is legally drunk and cannot legally operate a vehicle. Therefore, itââ¬â¢s not as if people who test 0. 08% are going unpunished like the other side would have you believe. In conclusion, anybody who picks out one particular aspect and says that it is not working hasnââ¬â¢t looked that the whole problem. The president for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Brian Oââ¬â¢ Neill, says that heââ¬â¢d rather see resources directed toward enforcing existing drunken driving laws. Hopefully, with more education, more awareness, and more enforcement we can successfully reduce drinking and driving fatalities. Bibliography Stone, Judith Lee. Yes!. Reading and Writing Short Arguments. Ed. William Vesterman. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. 46-47. Word Count: 702.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tearing Down the Wall
Ever since I can remember, Iââ¬â¢ve always had a knack for discovery as long as it was somehow related to video games or technology. If I didnââ¬â¢t know something, I needed to find out and if I didnââ¬â¢t, it would kill me. If I stopped working on something during the day, I would think about troubleshooting the issue during my sleep or for days on end. There were also times when I would stay up all night just to circumvent a virus on my computer or lose hours of sleep when I hacked a Nintendo Wii for the first time. There is no doubt about it, I love technology.Iââ¬â¢ve always been told that I am thinker and a tinkerer, which is why nearly 10 years after graduating high school; I made the biggest decision of my life. In 2011, I decided to go college. Many have asked me, ââ¬Å"Why donââ¬â¢t you back to school? â⬠The truth is that I wouldââ¬â¢ve loved to go right after graduating from high school but life threw me a curve ball. During my senior year, my mothe r and step-father split up. My mother, a housewife who hadnââ¬â¢t work for nearly six years after meeting my step-father, made me assume she became accustomed to it.My mother was able to somehow support my sisters and I because of a settlement she won, but alas nothing lasts forever. I finally graduated high school expecting all of us to move into a Eduardo B. Morillo-Perez 2 new place while my mother and I both worked, but unfortunately it didnââ¬â¢t work out that way. We moved alright but my things went to a room and the rest of the contents of our three bedroom apartment went into storage. I was so confused and hadnââ¬â¢t a clue of what was going on. Soon enough, she mentioned something that I never wouldââ¬â¢ve expected. ââ¬Å"Everything is packed and ready to go. We are all going back to Ecuadorâ⬠she said.I refused, thus leaving me here with my belongings, having to fend for myself. I now lost the luxury of slacking off. I had to work any job available just s o I could pay the rent and not starve. I didnââ¬â¢t have mom or dad to ask for money. I had to put up with nasty customers at a fast food restaurant and being taken advantage by other co-workers because I didnââ¬â¢t know how to stand up for myself. I have tried to go back to school and went thought the proper protocols of filling out forms, writing essays, going on interviews but I could never get in without having to pay for everything out of pocket.The biggest hurdle was financial-aid. Due to the fact that I was of certain age, I was still considered a dependent and I had to provide my motherââ¬â¢s tax information. The only way I could have that waived was if I was married. It was then when I grew cold, bitter and blamed my mother for all my setbacks. I felt lost and alone. I felt like I had no one to turn to. As years flew by, I started noticing that I was using my motherââ¬â¢s negligence and lack of absence as a crutch, hindering my progress the entire time. I am not a religious person, I never was, but somehow I always thought certain things happen for a reason.In 2009, I got reacquainted with an old flame from high school. We soon began to catch up on things from the past and soon enough she put the moves on me and the Eduardo B. Morillo-Perez 3 rest is history. I can honestly say that she is the sole reason I decided to back to school despite what anyone told me. When Olivia first met me again for the first time, I was living by myself in a room while working a mundane retail job at the airport. Fast forward nearly four years later and you now have a second-year computer science major with a 3. 5 GPA who has his own car and is well on his way to work on the next gadget or program.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reader Piqued By French Mutilations
Reader Piqued By French Mutilations Reader Piqued By French Mutilations Reader Piqued By French Mutilations By Maeve Maddox Mari, one of our readers, writes: Perhapsyou could address a problem that seems to have reached epidemic proportions: the difference between pique, peek and peak. Recently I have been inundated with people giving sneak peaks and having their curiosity peeked. I pointed out the peak for peek spelling myself in an earlier article. Its an easy mistake to make since ee and ea are alternate English spellings for the long e sound. Misspelling the French word pique is a shame since it looks so cool. And theres not much excuse for doing so. English writers dont seem to have any trouble with the word unique which is spelled according to the same pattern. Mari is also troubled by the cutesy spelling of French Voil as Walla. while youre at it, perhaps you would add Voila I might be forced to blind myself if I see Walla again. I suppose that people who write Voil as walla may feel its closer to the French pronunciation, but even if it were, which it isnt that much, the weird spelling walla is confusing. It makes me think of wallah as in laundry wallah. When I googled walla, I discovered that the word actually has meanings. Walla is radio broadcasting jargon for a sound effect imitating the murmur of a crowd in the background. The word walla is a way of swearing by God in Arabic. Walla! is an Israeli internet news portal, search engine, and email service provider. While were on the subject of mutilations of French expressions, heres one that gets me. chaise longue a chair that holds up the sitters legs; a deck chair Americans long ago changed the longue, meaning long, to lounge, since that is what one does on such a chair. Chaise lounge no longer bothers me, but I do have expectations regarding the pronunciation of chaise, My preferred pronunciation is /shez/, but Ill even settle for /chaiz/. The fingernail scraped the blackboard, however, when I watched a Wal-mart television ad for lawn furniture the other evening. The cheery salesman wanted to sell his customer a chase lounge. Here are a few other French words and expressions that should be written or spoken with care. chic /sheek/ stylish coup de grà ¢ce /ku dÃ⢠grahs/ (literally mercy blow) killing a wounded creature to end its suffering. dà ©j vu /day jah voo/ (literally, already seen) the feeling that one is experiencing an event that has happened previously. It is NOT amusing when people say dà ©j vu all over again. faux /foe/ (false) jewelers often advertise faux pearls. Copywriters must take care not to write ads offering genuine faux pearls. fiancà © /fee ahn say/ man engaged to be married fiancà ©e /fee ahn say/ woman engaged to be married hors doeuvre /or derve/ (literally out of or apart from the work, i.e., the main course) Thought: People who write walla for voil probably say /hors duvers/ for hors doeuvres. risquà © /ris kay/ off-color, naughty, as in a risquà © joke. RSVP (abbreviation for Rà ©pondez sil vous plaà ®t, Reply if it pleases you) Added to invitations for which the host wishes to know if the guest is coming or not. Please RSVP is redundant, but common. visvis /vee zah vee/ (literally face to face) The French meaning was once more common in English than it is now. Dancers were said to dance visvis. There was a style of horse-drawn coach called a visvis in which passengers sat facing one another. Now, however, visvis is used more often to mean in relation to as in these headlines: Senior Citizens vis a- vis the Indian Society Vietnam vis a vis Iraq in Congressional DebateLessons Learned? Or Biases Deeply Ingrained? NATION-STATES VIS-A-VIS ETHNOCULTURAL MINORITIES The headlines also illustrate the various ways that visvis is written in English. Voil! /vwah lah/ (There it is!) If you decide to eschew the walla spelling, take a close look at the vowels and the direction of the accent mark. Dont write voil or viol. voir dire /vwar deer/ (literally to see to say) a legal term youve probably heard on Law and Order. It refers to jury selection. So, spice up your speech and writing with French words and expressions. Just dont mutilate them when you do. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?60 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Tripâ⬠9 Forms of the Past Tense
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Ongoing Battle with Drugs essays
The Ongoing Battle with Drugs essays Have we lost the War on Drugs? The War on Drugs officially started in 1972 with President Nixon declaring that drug law enforcement was not strict enough. To enforce the laws of the original Harrison Act, a new and intensified plan was to be enacted. The war reached its peak during the Reagan and Bush administrations, in which $67 billion was spent in enforcement of drug laws. The plan had worked relatively well until near the end of the Bush administration and drug use overall was down. But the Clinton administration has not been as effective and it is time to determine what our next course of action will be regarding drug enforcement. Prisons are becoming increasingly overcrowded and many people are being labeled as hard criminals as a result of experimentation with soft drugs. There are many possible courses of action to take, but the best one is not very clear-cut. America has always had a tremendous demand for illegal drugs. And simple economic principles will show that when the re is a large demand for a product someone will supply it. It is just like any other precious commodity and follows the same theory of buy low, sell high. Foreign sources have historically supplied this great demand. Latin Americas drug lords have always been a very big problem for the United States. It can be virtually impossible to catch them in a position to make an arrest. The power and support that these drug lords receive can almost overwhelm authorities trying to stop them (Burdge 2). One of the largest ever drug traffickers was Pablo Escobar Gaviria, he was so large and powerful, not even the court system could punish him when he was arrested and detained. The arresting officers were killed and nine different judges would not try the case due to threats on their lives. Then the official records disappeared from the courthouse and there could not be a trial. His net worth grew to almost $2 billion and he was helping the ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
2013 Hurricane Names
2013 Hurricane Names 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 Below you will find the listing of hurricane names for the Atlantic Ocean for the year 2013. For every year, there is a pre-approved list of tropical storm and hurricane names. These lists have been generated by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. At first, the lists consisted of only female names; however, since 1979, the lists alternate between male and female. Hurricanes are named alphabetically from the list in chronological order. Thus the first tropical storm or hurricane of the year has a name that begins with A and the second is given the name that begins with B. The lists contain hurricane names that begin from A to W, but exclude names that begin with a Q or U. There are six lists that continue to rotate. The lists only change when there is a hurricane that is so devastating, the name is retired and another hurricane name replaces it. The 2013 hurricane name list is the same as the 2007 hurricane name list with the exception of three names that were devastating hurricanes in 2007 and thus retired. Dean was replaced by Dorian, Felix was replaced by Fernand, and Noel was replaced by Nestor. 2013 Hurricane Names AndreaBarryChantalDorianErinFernandGabrielleHumbertoIngridJerryKarenLorenzoMelissaNestorOlgaPabloRebekahSebastienTanyaVanWendy
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Self-Reflective Paper on Negotiations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Self-Reflective Paper on Negotiations - Essay Example These are just a few examples of different types of negotiation. However, negotiating skills are not unique to lawyers and limited to the legal fraternity only. At one particular moment, all of us regularly need to negotiate with colleagues, friends and in a wide range of business transactions (Stone, 26). As such, this reflective essay seeks to critically evaluate my strengths as a negotiator as well as weaknesses. These evaluative points are going to be supported by concrete evidence from various negotiations and exercises that have been covered during my learning experience. The paper starts by explaining the meaning of negotiation in order to grasp the meaning of the whole concept. This is followed by a detailed analysis of different subjects involved in the negotiation process. The negotiation process Negotiation characterises the relations between individuals and is closely connected with speech as well as nonverbal communication (Kennedy, 47). Essentially, negotiation is mainl y concerned with reaching an agreement based on mutual understanding between the parties involved in the process. It can bring different parties with completely different views together and these can reach an agreement. Therefore, negotiation is described as a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them (Robbins, 459). The monitory value in this case is seen as very important when people engage in negotiation since it is binding. In most cases, people involved in a negotiation seek to bargain from the process since they often prefer a win-win situation towards reaching an acceptable agreement. For the sake of clarity, this paper will discuss in detail the different processes and stages involved in a negotiation and it will also outline my weaknesses and strengths in each section based on the experience gained from different negotiations encountered during my academic career. In this case, I will limit my discus sion to the experience gained in a role played negotiation involving a case of sexual harassment between Ms Jane Doe and Professor Palsgraf. I represented Ms. Doe where she is negotiating for an out of court settlement involving a case of sexual harassment by the professor. The professor made sexually suggestive statements to Jane outside class but she revoked them and this contributed to her failing the subject taught by the professor. As such, this has necessitated a negotiation in a bid to find an amicable settlement to this particular issue. Non verbal negotiation It can be observed that the advent of the internet has revolutionised the communication landscape during the contemporary period. As such, online negotiation is quickly becoming more common during these days where it can be seen that efforts are being made to create new solutions to the problems that already exist using this technique (Kennedy, 132). People can still negotiate without using verbal communication in a fa ce to face situation. Such kind of communication is very effective in that it removes barriers to communication such as male dominance in a face to face situation. Through the use of online communication, a mutual agreement can be easily reached given that there is no party which is under pressure from the other. From the experience I have gained as a negotiator, I find this method quite manageable given that non verbal communication strategy is hassle free since it can be carried out from any position. It can also be noted that agreements reached are binding and they are usually based on mutual understanding. Factors taken into consideration when preparing a negotiation Craver (209) posits to the effect that there are different
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Internet Technology and Data Ownership Issue Assignment
The Internet Technology and Data Ownership Issue - Assignment Example The internet has become such a norm that the mere existence of man at a certain place without having been connected to the internet is though impossible. About (2011) defines the internet as: ââ¬Å"The termà Internetà today refers to the global network of public computers runningà Internet Protocol. The Internet supports the publicà WWWà and many special-purpose client/server software systems. Internet technology also supports many private corporateà intranetsà and private homeà LANs.â⬠(about, 2011) The human society has been transformed completely with the advent of the internet. Human life before it was devoid of the thought of staying virtually connected to innumerable individuals just by getting connected to a network w=of computers that was nothing more than an obscure network of corporate computers just about a quarter of a century back. Though it started off merely as a very small scale office network today the internet is the biggest network of connecte d computing devices from all over the world that has ever existed. This network is a massive den of information. This information may be related to just about anything and everything. It is an open network and the more users get connected to it via their connecting device the wider it becomes. The connecting devices may either be as small as a mobile phone and may even be as large as a super server computer. Any user can add just about any kind of information over the internet. Only information gathered from reliable resources is authentic and may be referred to others further on. Isao Hiroki mentions internet in his paper in the following words: ââ¬Å"The virtual space of the internet permeates our daily lives and countless new services.â⬠(Hiroki, 2003) For all students and inquisitive learners the internet is an ideal resource. This is because they can find out information regarding just about any of their topics from the internet. All they need to do id to search for the r equired topic by entering itsââ¬â¢ prominent words in efficient search engines. These search engines dig throughout authentic (spyware free) web pages and bring out their links as a result. The user can then make use of the massive data retrieval that is at his disposal with the additive advantage of it being free of cost. Evan Charles Sveum (July 2010) mentions Computing and Internet Technology in the following words: ââ¬Å"Computing and Internet technologies (U.S. Department of Labor, 2000) have changed the nature of work and occupations that would allow a person to earn a living.â⬠(Sveum, 2010) The above statement narrates the fact that internet based jobs have been very popular among the public since internet technology has emerged. Besides that the availability of other jobs can also be checked via the internet as many vendors propagate the availability of jobs at their sites via it. Many people can now earn a living by earning over the internet in the form of e-busin ess, writing blogs etc. DQ2-Who owns the data? Privacy and/or security issues are inherent in large databases. Who owns the data about a particular person: medical, credit, personal, financial, consumer information, etc.? Support your position. The question referring to the ownership of data has been existent ever since the launch of databases. The dependence of man on computing machines for transactions related to monetary and personal details cannot be overlooked in this fast paced
Journal Entry #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Journal Entry #2 - Essay Example First is the issue of hazing. While hazing has been outlawed as illegal, Greek Letter fraternities or sororities still run the danger of resuscitating the practice to the detriment of unsuspecting neophytes. Second is the issue of rite of passage where every neophyte has to go through to become a full member and finally is the issue of beer binges and excessive partying associated with Greek Letter fraternities. Thus, to answer if Greek Life is for me, my reply would be that I am not just into beer binges and excessive partying that runs up to the wee hours of the morning. I like to have fun also but alcohol and staying up late with is just not me. With regard to its advantages of having plenty of friends and study mates, I already have friends and reliable classmates whom I can study with. With regard to network after college, I believe that my own capability can stand its own in the labor market. I also do not believe in the rite of passage that every neophyte has to go through just to be accepted and become a full member. So to answer the question whether Greek life is for me or not, my answer would be it is not for
Answering questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answering questions - Essay Example The object of knowledge is on that which altogether is real. In contrast, the object of belief is on one which is real and not real (Plato et al. 181; par. 477e). Thrasymachus makes two assertions regarding what is just or right. He points out that justice is the action of serving the interest of a stronger one. It is an advantage of the strong. He also adds that just actions are those that obey the stateââ¬â¢s law (Plato and Grube, 15; par. 338c). Glaucon takes up the argument from Thrasymachus in terms of defining justice in a contrasting way. Glaucon points out that justice is a compromise between fear and advantage. People comprehend that being unjust is usually to their advantage; nevertheless, they fear being a victim of injustice. Hence, if one could act in an unjust manner and not suffer consequences, one could (Plato and Grube, 38; par. 358e). Plato describes the ideal city as one based on human virtue and justice. An ideal city is a form of political and social organization that allows individuals to maximize their potentials. The ideal city has three classes of people; the guardians, the auxiliaries and the producers. The leaders and citizens must have courage, wisdom, justice and moderation. This will allow individuals to serve their citizens and live according to the universal truths and laws. The role of the ideal city is to preserve and protect the universal principles. In platoââ¬â¢s ideal city, the guardians serve to protect and lead. There is a division of labor in his ideal city hence enables the satisfaction of the needs of the community. Each man should be given the best job in which he is suited in for. This will ensure productivity in the ideal city (Plato and Grube, 105; par. 412c). It is imperative for the ideal ruler to understand the forms. When one understands the forms, the soul reaches an understanding that is far beyond the thought stage. An ideal ruler should understand the true
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Consumer Behavior as a Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consumer Behavior as a Process - Essay Example This paper tells that marketing stimuli are initiated by businesses or companies, and environmental stimuli are provided by social factors according to political, cultural and economic aspects of the society. The black box of the buyer has characteristics and decision process that influence the buyerââ¬â¢s response in the market. Black box model illustrates the response of the buyer in a conscious decision process, where the buyer identifies the problem (Kuester, 117). After problem recognition, search for product or service information is started. Consumers engage in internal and external information search. Information sources are a personal experience, public sources, and commercial sources. This stage provides promotional strategies to businesses and illustrates the most effective information source for the brand. Analyzing alternatives entails comparison of products or brand in the market. The evoked set illustrates the alternatives considered during problem-solving (Kuester 89). Consumers evaluate options or alternatives based on psychological and functional importance they offer. Marketing organizations must understand the benefits consumers require. The customer makes a purchase decision after carefully evaluating the strategies (Kuester 74). Marketing organization must enable the customer to act according to their purchase intention, through sales promotion. Post-purchase is also significant to organizations. This is because it influences the purchasing patterns in the future.
Underwater Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Underwater Communication - Essay Example Underwater Communication The paper is aimed to present the different methods and forms of underwater communication.To communicate with the surface, the diver uses tools such as MK 12 SSDS, the MK 21 MOD 1, or the MK 20 MOD 0, both voice communications and line-pull signals. The voice communication is the primary means and the line-pull signals are used secondary tools of communication. For diver-to-diver communication, topside intercom, diver-to-diver hand signals, and slate boards are used (Dietrich, 1999, 6-19). The diver intercommunication systems are composed of diverââ¬â¢s earphones, microphone, the communication cable for each diver, the surface control unit, and the tenderââ¬â¢s speaker and microphone. These systems allow the communication from the control station to a maximum of three divers. With voice correction circuitry feature, the system is the primary choice for tasks and activities that involve the need to communicate underwater. Another way of communication used by the divers is the li ne-pull signalling which is commonly a distinct pull or a series of sharp pulls on the line from the top to the diver. The said form of communication is based on the needs of the group and the objective of the activity, thus, most signals are established prior to the implementation (Dietrich, 1999, 6-19). Another type of underwater communication is the underwater acoustic communication. The technology works through underwater acoustic channels and is classified on the basis of the methods for compensating effects of multipath and phase variations. The underwater acoustic communication systems are divided into incoherent and coherent detection systems. The example of incoherent systems is the DATS or digital acoustic telemetry. Coherent digital receiver systems make use of specifically localized components to be able to achieve high data rates in the presence of ISI or intersymbol interference which usually affect the quality of communication. This is achieved through the use of special signal processing techniques to compensate other factors such as ISI. There are numerous methods employed and combined for application on goal-specific needs for underwater activities that require the acoustic communication techniques (Klemm, 2004, p.832). The application of underwater acoustic communic ation includes diving, underwater navigation in different types of vehicles and vessels, and even marine animals such as mammals. The underwater communication in mammals is similar to any other technology in underwater communication since there is a sender and a receiver of information. There are two types of underwater communication methods in mammals, one is that of a single sender and multiple receivers who reacts to the message and another is a complex exchange of information among different individuals. Common examples of the animals that utilize the method of underwater acoustic communication are dolphins and certain kinds of seals that use sonar for communication, navigation and hunting food (McGregor, 2005, 390). This method is also used by underwater vessels for navigation and exploration specifically in the deep waters. Sonar is a common means of communication in vessels. In the advent of technology though, other forms communication networks are established and used (Dietr ich, 1999). These forms of communication are included in the next classification. Wireless Underwater Communication Systems Wireless underwater commun
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Consumer Behavior as a Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consumer Behavior as a Process - Essay Example This paper tells that marketing stimuli are initiated by businesses or companies, and environmental stimuli are provided by social factors according to political, cultural and economic aspects of the society. The black box of the buyer has characteristics and decision process that influence the buyerââ¬â¢s response in the market. Black box model illustrates the response of the buyer in a conscious decision process, where the buyer identifies the problem (Kuester, 117). After problem recognition, search for product or service information is started. Consumers engage in internal and external information search. Information sources are a personal experience, public sources, and commercial sources. This stage provides promotional strategies to businesses and illustrates the most effective information source for the brand. Analyzing alternatives entails comparison of products or brand in the market. The evoked set illustrates the alternatives considered during problem-solving (Kuester 89). Consumers evaluate options or alternatives based on psychological and functional importance they offer. Marketing organizations must understand the benefits consumers require. The customer makes a purchase decision after carefully evaluating the strategies (Kuester 74). Marketing organization must enable the customer to act according to their purchase intention, through sales promotion. Post-purchase is also significant to organizations. This is because it influences the purchasing patterns in the future.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Raising children can be stresful Research Proposal
Raising children can be stresful - Research Proposal Example Is parenting stressful or rewarding? Do you have the joy of parenthood? Or does parenthood leaves you with shattered dreams? Parenting is a heroic act and can be very stressful. You may be a stay at home or a working parent, single or married parent, mother or father, with one or several children, if you remain to stay cool, calm, and with full of vigor, you will be able get through the day (Child Development Institute, 2007). Children can be stubborn, grumpy, sensitive, angry, manipulative, wild or simply plain difficult. They always thought no other but themselves and they have an unpredictable temperament that oftentimes leaves you at a loss (Perry, 2008). The attitudes of your children leave you stressed and desolated. However, most of the time, it is on how we label our children makes parenting stressful. When a situation a parent should have with the child cannot be controlled, it is necessary that an appropriate approach on how to cope with the stress you have with your child should be embraced (Perry, 2008). These are: (1) Teaching your children limits and healthy self - expression; (2) model problem - solving strategies; (3) empathize with your children; (4) breakdown challenges into smaller steps; (5) project confidence in your child; (6) shape good, mature behavior, and (7) seek professional help. To avoid having violent and stressful environment with your child, it is important that the following must be observed: (1) offer your children the love and attention that he needs consistently; (2) make sure that your children are properly supervised; (3) show appropriate behavior to your children by the way you act; (4) do not apply physical punishments; (5) stick to your rules and disciplines; (6) teach your children about the dangers of firearms; (7) keep them away from violence (APA Online, 2008). Like adults, children also need to have love, care, attention, and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Causes and Effects of Heart Failure
Causes and Effects of Heart Failure Elizabeth Makouta K. Assessment 2 Definition of Heart Failure: This is usually a progressive condition that reflects weakening of the heart by coronary atherosclerosis meaning the coronary vessels is build up with fatty clogging (Marieb 2012 p369) The body systems affected are: Kidney, Heart, Lungs, and Digestive System. Kidneyââ¬â¢s function: is to eliminate nitrogen ââ¬âcontaining e wastes, toxins, and drug from the body. Kidney also produce an enzyme ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢reninââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ which help regulate blood pressure, and their hormone erythropoietin which stimulate red blood cell production in bone marrow (Marieb 2012 p. 512) Heartââ¬â¢s function: Is a muscular organ that pumps blood to all the tissues in the body through blood vessels, ââ¬Ëweight less than a pound with the size of a personââ¬â¢s fist and a shape like cone-shapedââ¬â¢ (p 357).ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢The right side pumps blood through the lungs where oxygen is picks up and carbon dioxide is unloaded. The left side of the heart receives blood containing oxygen and pump it to the rest of the bodyââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Marieb 2012 p 360). Lungs Function: Human body contain two lungs. ââ¬ËLungs are large organs that occupy thoracic cavity except the heart in the central area. The left lung has two robes and the right lung has three robesââ¬â¢ (Marieb 2012 p.441). The lungs bring in oxygen to the body which is the air that we breathed for energy and remove carbon dioxide from the body which is the gas that comes out as waste products (American Thoracic Society 2014). . Digestive System: Digestive system starts from the mouth and ends up in the anus. The function of digestive system is to break down foods in to a simplest form for the absorption of the body as nourishment for cells and energy for the body usage (Marieb 2012 p.464). Signs and Symptoms Shortness of breath (dyspnoea) Fatigue and weakness Swelling (oedema) in your legs, ankles and feet Rapid or irregular heartbeat Reduced ability to exercise Persistent cough or wheezing (Nocturia) increased need to urinate at night Heart Pumps Faster Swelling of your abdomen (ascites) Sudden weight gain Lack of appetite and nausea Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness Heart Grows Larger Elevated blood pressure Chest pain, if your heart failure is caused by a heart attack (Mayo Clinic 2014) Shortness of Breath: meaning there is not enough air getting into the body system why because of lack of oxygen as the heart is not able to pump enough blood (Mayo Clinic 2014 Fatigue and weakness: As the heart failed or become weak other parts of the body are affected including legs and arms making difficult do walk or climb the stairs because there is not sufficient blood getting to the legs and arms (University of California San Francisco 2014) Swelling: For kidney to function very well it needs its normal blood supply. Renin restores normal blood pressure and increase filtration of water and salt for filtration process to be normal (Marieb 2012 p. 512). But when blood flow to the kidney is limited then renin will also retain salt and water which will leads to fluid build-up in the body (feet, ankles and legs), (University of California San Francisco 2014) Rapid or irregular heartbeat: meaning fast or abnormal heartbeat. This happen because blood supply is insufficient, therefore, the heart will work harder to meet the body requirement (University of California San Francisco 2014) Reduced ability to exercise: Because the body feels tired especially the legs and arms as a result of less blood supply to these areas which mean oxygen level in the body is low, you will be less likely to complete the daily activates normally (University of California San Francisco 2014) Persistent cough or wheezing: Is a noisy sound particularly when you breathe in air and out of the lungs (inhalation and exhalation) as a result of fluid build-up in the lugs (Dr. James Krider 2005). Nocturia: Is increased need to urinate at night, as a result of infection of the bladder, kidney or diabetes. In the case of Mr Alby Wright, he is type two diabetes meaning bladderââ¬â¢s ability to hold urine has decrease which leads to more urination at night (Better Medicine 20140) Heart Pumps Faster: Our body needs blood to function very. Due to this, the heart will work harder than normal to circulate blood throughout the body in other to meet the body requirement (University of California San Francisco 2014) Swelling of your abdomen: Swelling of the abdomen occurs as a result of the fluid build-up in the lungs and organs. Due to the weakness of the heart which means the heart is unable to pump blood very well (Sterns 20140). Sudden weight gain: Swelling or puffiness of the skin will make it look stretched and shiny as a result of unwanted fluid in the tissues and organs (Sterns 20140). Lack of appetite and nausea: When you donââ¬â¢t have the desire to eat food as a result of the liver and digestive system become blocked because there is less blood supply to these organs you will full (University of California San Francisco 2014) Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness: meaning you may start to forget things or confuse because of less circulation to the brain. Without enough blood, the brain cannot function well (British Columbia 2012) Heart Grows Larger: The muscles of the heart become more and more lager due to the force in order to pump blood. The four chambers of the heart also enlarge to be able to hold large volume of blood (University of California San Francisco 2014). Elevated blood pressure: Is the meaning or word use to describe hypertension: thus the heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body. This happened as the result of cardiac enlargement or heart failure (Tabbnerââ¬â¢s 5e p 273) Chest Pain: Meaning the heart is deprives from getting enough blood. This occurs due to ââ¬Å"blockage or constricted coronary blood vesselâ⬠(Tabbnerââ¬â¢s 5e p 669) Information taking on his admission: Pulse 124 SaO2: 87% on room air Respiration 32 Blood Pressure 90/40 (Q5) Yes: There is too much glucose (sugar) in his blood which is not getting into the cells of the body. Diabetes lead to nerve damage and poor circulation, looking at his admission form his blood pressure is low, oxygen saturation is also low as a result of asthma and hypotensive and congestive cardiac failure which means blood is not circulating well through the body system. This indication of slow wound healing to extend where his toe was amputated. (Q6): What is the action of laxis: This drug is (Diuretic) use to treat acute pulmonary oedema (Kluwer, Williams Wilkins 2008, p. 647) Which body system is affected? Kidney: because the medicine draws water from the blood as urine. Also affect the heart as the fluid is draw out of the blood the pressure also decreases (Netdoctor 2013) Why he is taking this medication: To clear excessive accumulation of fluid in his body and help he urinates. Three conditions: Glaucoma Arthritis Type 2 Diabetes Question 8: Factors that will impact on Mr Wrightââ¬â¢s safety: Hospital: allergy, glaucoma risk for fall, leg ulcer for risk infection, Home: Diabetes careful for blood glucose level, low blood pressure, Leg ulcer risk for infection, confusion forget to take his medication, frail skin easy to get skin tear and mobility is not good because he is walking with stick, mental stage he could wounder around and forget where he is. Question 9: Other health professional: Podiatrist will be able to look at his amputated toes to provide him with best treatment including his arthritis. Dieticians: will provide information to Mr Wrightââ¬â¢s regarding nutrition on what is good and what is bad for his health. Mental health professional: will help provide support for Mr Wright to reduce his level of anxiety. Diabetes Educator: To educate him on diabetes and how well he should eat. Physiologist: Will help him with exercise program to treat any pain that he might have including arthritis, and difficulty walking (Better Health Channel 2014) Question 10: Neurovascular Assessment Medication Chart Diabetes Assessment Fluid Balance Chart Bowel Chart Care Plan Skin Assessment Wound Care Plane Patient Positioning Chart Dressing Regime (Wound) (TAFE SA Flow Charts Book) References: Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence, Tabbner Nursing care 5th edn, Function of the Kidney, Melbourne Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence, Tabbner Nursing care 5th edn, Definition of Heart Failure, Melbourne American Thoracic Society 2014, Anatomy and Function of the Normal Lungs, viewed 15 March 2014 http://www.thoracic.org/clinical/copd-guidelines/for-patients/anatomy-and-function-of-the-normal-lung.php Mayo Clinic 2014, Diseases and Condition of Heart Failure, viewed 15 March 2014, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-failure/basics/definition/con-20029801 Mayo clinic 2014, Shortness of Breath, viewed 16 March 2014, http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/shortness-of-breath/basics/definition/SYM-20050890 UCSF Medical Centre 2014, Heart Failure Signs and Symptoms, viewed 16 March 2024, http://www.ucsfhealth.org/conditions/heart_failure/signs_and_symptoms.html Dr. James Krider, Wheezing, viewed 16 Mach 2014, http://www.formulamedical.com/Topics/Symptoms/Wheezing.htm Health Grades 2014, Nocturia Causes, viewed 16 March 2014, http://www.localhealth.com/article/nocturia/causes Richard H Sterns 2014, Patient information: Edema (swelling) beyond the basics, viewed 16 March 2014, http://www.uptodate.com/contents/edema-swelling-beyond-the-basics British Columbia 2012, Heart Failure: Less Common Symptoms, viewed 17 March 2014, http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/kb/content/special/tx4083abc.html Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence, Tabbner Nursing care 5th edn, Chest pain, Melbourne Kluwer, LW Wilkins 2008, Nursing and Midwifery Drug handbook, Diuretic 4th edn Netdoctor 2013, Laxis, viewed 17 March 2014, http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/heart-and-blood/medicines/lasix.html Better Health Channel 2014, Physiotherapist, viewed 17 March 2014, http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Physiotherapy
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Body Preparation for Photo Shoot :: Photo Shoots Health Self Image Beauty Essays
Body Preparation for Photo Shoot Get a good night's sleep the two days before the shoot. Nothing wrecks a great photo more than a tired model. Hair Conditioning Healthy hair is thick hair. Thick hair is much more attractive in photos -- since it "lifts" off the top of the head and it "fills out" the air surrounding the head. The easiest way to achieve full hair is to use hair conditioner for at least two weeks. Additionally -- avoid using any hair dryers, heated curlers, or curling irons on your hair. This "heat" breaks down the hair proteins -- which leads to loss of hair volume and split and frayed hair. Nails Most people have problem nails. A simple solution it so apply nail coloring which is the same color as the "center" portion of the nail. By having the entire nail the same color -- it helps minimize the attention paid to hangnails, discolorations in the nail, and rough nail tips. Shaving There is a right way, and a wrong way to shave. When shaving -- you want to "shave with the grain" of the hair. Each hair comes out of the skin at a particular angle. The handle of the razor should be pointed in the same direction. This shaves off the hair cleanly at the surface. If you shave "against the grain" of the hair -- the razor is "pulling" the hair out of the body as it cuts it -- so that the hair "snaps back" under the skin after being cut. The Razor Burn (redness, itching, bumps) associated with shaving are caused by the hair trying to push its way back through the skin. When shaving longer hair (like pubic areas or legs) -- you will first want to use a very sharp scissors and trim the hair as close to the skin as possible. This will not only allow you to clearly see which direction the hair is coming out of the body -- but it also prevents the razor from "skipping & jumping" over long and tangled hairs (which leads to nicking of the skin). To shave properly, get the skin and the hair very wet. Use a shaving cream or baby oil (preferred) to help the razor glide over the skin more easily. I recommend using baby oil -- since it still allows you to see the direction the hair is exiting the body.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Howard Stern Essay -- essays research papers fc
How might one explain Howard Stern? Yes, he is a refreshing change from the typical, politically correct figure, and he provides humor and sex for late night audiences who are growing weary of Leno and Letterman. And while Howard Stern, shock jock turned television host, is more on the same wavelength as a Jerry Springer than a late night comic, Stern has always claimed--like Jerry--that his show is just an act. The idea that Howard Stern could come close--but not too close--to naked women on his television show, might have created the impression that this was just an act after all. He would say things that any other husband could not get away with, and it was okay, because it was all an act. His integrity and sense of honesty was intact, because he could look and not touch, even if he was standing just an inch away. Of course, that idea would not sit well with all, but in the world of Howard Stern, everything was copacetic. That is, until his wife left him. It might have been, as with many couples, that the pair divorced for a variety of reasons and that it had nothing to do with his untoward behavior. Still, the fact that he was married for many years, despite his lewd comments, gave him credibility. He was married and because he maintained that he was a faithful, it gave him a dual persona. People would think "Howard is all right. He speaks his mind. So what." But with a single Stern, the picture changes. He is no better than any other dirty old man now. At least that is the perception. While many speculate about the breakup--as who would stay married to a man who ogles other women every day on the air--Stern maintains that the separation had nothing to do with his on screen behavior. He said: " I take most of the blame because I'm a workaholic, and when I'm not working I'm hiding in my basement trying to recover, and I've pretty much hidden from life. I don't think it's easy to be married to me " ("Not-so-private" 68). Stern's contention that his marriage crumbled because of his habits rings true. In the film Private Parts based on his life, Stern revealed that he was of good character, remained faithful to his wife and that he was hard to live with off the air. Howard Stern is a recluse at home and marria... ...t marriage is something that is good for society. Still, if the couple do split for good, what he does as a bachelor will have an effect on his fans and his critics. But just as he makes fun of homeless people for example, it appears that he has set up a foundation for them on the sly ("Jock" 15). That is the mystery of Stern. He is both kind and callous. And while he can be both things at the same time, he is consistent in each trait, as he has hardly wavered from his positions over the years. Works Cited Donovan, Doug. "Motor Mouths. (Brief Article)." Forbes 20 Mar 2000 : 226 " Jock shock: is Howard Stern secretly helping the very same people he mocks? (radio talk show host's H and A Stern Family Foundation, Inc. rumored to help homeless people)." New York 14 Jun 1999:15. "Not-So-Private Parting: That sensitive radio guy, Howard Stern, feels the pain as his marriage unravels. (Up Front)(Brief Article)." People Weekly 8 Nov 1999: 68
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nursing in the Future
Financial issues, healthcare policy changes, scarce resources, political issues and advancing technology on health care affect all areas of nursing, no matter how diverse the field is. In the practice of long term care and assisted living facilities, these issues are of major concern for many people. Trends that are seen in my current practice can help give hints to what is to come in the future. It seems like many health care facilities are always short on money, and so the number of patients per nurse increases so that the facility can make more money by having less nursing staff.When the work load increases on the nurses, there is a higher turn around for the nursing staff, and the facilities run into problems of being short staffed and overworked. In The Resilient Nurse, they explain that ââ¬Å"rising patient acuity, rapid assessments and discharges, and increased service use by clients mean that nurses are dealing with sicker people who are likely to have multiple conditions th at may complicate both the treatment and the recoveryâ⬠(3-4).A facility that is short staffed comes to the situation where there is more likely to be mistakes when the nurses are being asked to work more hours then they should to compensate. This happens in long term care consistently, it is as if more and more is asked of the staff in order to save a buck somewhere else. It is very hard on the residents as well due to the fact that they are at the end of their lives, can no longer work and usually have no money let. Long term care is very expensive and most of the time it completely wipes out the resident of all of their savings.I think scarce resources and advancing technology can sometimes go hand in hand. Supplies run short and it puts patients at risk if the proper supplies are not being used. Residents run out of things they need, or the facility has to be stingy with how many gloves they use when the really issue is patient safety. It is helpful in long term care when t he facilities develop committees that can the employees advocate for the residents. With the advancing technology through the years, more training on how to use new equipment is needed to ensure that the nurses are providing safe care.In a lot of discipline the nurses that are in practice are getting near retirement, and changes for them are hard to implement because they can be stuck in their ways. Many times it is hard on the nurses when there are policy changes because they are used to doing things a certain way and changing policies has a way of keeping nurses on their toes. Changing policies makes it important for nurses to be up to date on new evidence based practices so that they are able to keep up with the advancing times while maintaining a safe environment for patients.I like how Decision-Making in Nursing: Thoughtful Approaches for Practice sums up the idea that ââ¬Å"without understanding nursing history, decisions are at risk of failing and repeating past errorsâ⬠(26). Policy changes can be made for many reasons, but many times it is because it was found through evidence based practice that there was a safer and/or better way to go about the policy or that the policy no longer is relevant to the changing times. Times are changing and it has a major affect on long term care residents and nursing in general.Traditionally nursing has been a female dominated profession, but there have been many more men joining the ranks. The time and age were many residents grew up in people were very modest, and the largest population in long term care facilities are women, so it can be hard for them to adjust to a male nurse talking care of them or seeing them in such a vulnerable state. I see the impact of financial issues, healthcare policy changes, scarce resources, political issues and advancing technology on health care all of the time.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Compare and contrast the characters of Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor
John Proctor is a person, a citizen, a spouse, and very well- respected member of the community. All of this is represented by his name. The name of John Proctor could be considered his most prized possession that he would never let anything happen to it. It is his most priceless asset. Proctor does not set out with any intentions of hurting someone he is very strong-willed and caring. Rebecca Nurse is the wife of Francis Nurse a judge. Rebecca is known of the most well-respected and good citizen and kindly of Salem. She is admired because of her honesty and truthfulness. In comparison John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse is very much respected in their society. Both found themselves as a victim of the witch craft accusations, both Rebecca and John had similarity in honesty their response was what showed their differences. Rebecca nurse did not seem to be moved by the pressures of diverting from the truth; John Proctor faced a big challenge in telling the truth about his standing with witch-craft. The townââ¬â¢s peopleââ¬â¢s thought of John Proctorââ¬â¢s and Rebecca Nurseââ¬â¢s characters is of a similar standing. Both portray themselves as good, honest, and God-fearing people. John Proctorââ¬â¢s strength is being manly which adds to him being a strong and truthful character. John Proctor being manly can be contrasted to the strength of Rebecca Nurse not physically, but strength in Character as of goodness, caring and truth. The characteristic of Rebecca Nurse could be seen especially towards the end of the play where she was not even moved by pressures in telling the truth at the expense of her life instead, she tried to convince John proctor to tell the truth: ââ¬Å"REBECCA: Why, it is a lie, it is a lie; how may I damn myself? Oh John God send his mercy on youâ⬠. Although Rebecca Nurse was above reproach in her everyday life, John Proctor wasnââ¬â¢t. He had an affair with younger age girl . This also shows the differences in the strength of goodness shown by both characters. At the end of the play, both Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor they refused to accept the witch-craft accusations made against them although John Proctor took some time before he actually settled for the truth.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Firecracker Should Be Banned in the Philippines Essay
Introduction With our technology today we can substitute some firecrackers while celebrating New Years Eve. The aim of this project was to help the students be more curious about the situation surrounding them. This report is hoping that the government can make a wise decision about this problem to help reduce pollutions. à This can make change for a better world and a good place for our sons and grandsons. Hoping this research can help every question of the students. Finally this research was conduct to make a contribution for the next generations. Acknowledgement Iââ¬â¢ am Joris Magno would like to thank the persons who help me to finish this research. I would like to express my gratitude to all the students who answered my surveyââ¬â¢s the possibility to complete this research. Iââ¬â¢am in deeply indebted to my teachers who help me to give some ideas about my topic and some advice that they give, my English teacher who have shared her wisdom with us to make a research paper. Iââ¬â¢m thankful to my mother that she has been supporting me from my projects and research, to giving me help from any financial support, and my inspirations to finish up this work. And all of that Iââ¬â¢ am thankful to our Dear GOD Who always there to help in every time. The Problem Its Background Firecracker is one of the no. 1 issues of our country that firecracker should be banned, According to the (DOH) Department of Health that one of the most significant cause of death in our country while celebrating New Years eve is accidents on using firecrackers, Wild Fire cause by a firecrackers, and firework related injuries and many more. In that case we are facing a very big problem about firecrackers and this is why Iââ¬â¢ am willing to have a research with this kind of topic. Did you know that the our country is one of the most pollutant City in celebrating New year thatââ¬â¢s why our government was alarm about this study. Many bad effects can harm our body that is caused by a firecracker and we are one of those citizens affect most, because we live here in a urban city (NCR) and me too is alarm that this bad effects can kill us. According to my research that every students of MPNAG was aware of the bad effect of fireworks in our health and 96 over 100 was agree that firecracker should be banned in our country. Last January 1, 2013 across our country about 412 revelers were injured, down by 17 percent compared to the same period last year, according to the DoH. There were at least 18 cases of indiscriminate firing reported by the DoH, according to Valte. Importance of the Problem It has already become boring how year after year we have been harping about the fires, deaths and injuries caused by illegal explosions of poorly manufactured firecrackers. And how all of these can be avoided if authorities had been stricter in enforcing the law on firecrackers. This study is very important to answer all the questions of every individual who is curious about banning of firecrackers. It is said that our country is one of the top 20 countries that celebrating New Years eve who uses up Firecrackers and that is why our DoH was conducting a ââ¬Å"Iwas Paputokâ⬠program that can help to reduce up the smog after the eve. Our students in MPNAG was also agree that firecrackers should be banned already because it can harm people and can cause a large damage of infrastructure that is cause by a wild fire. The firecracker ban, effective since 1966, has been observed more on the breach. Welcoming the New Year with a big bang is too ingrained a tradition to change. In fact, a quiet New Yearââ¬â¢s Eve is unthinkable. I doubt if the Department of Healthââ¬â¢s call for Congress to legislate a full ban will fly. This research is a benefit for the citizens of our country, this includes young people and for adults, I made done this research to inform and persuade the people to stop using firecracker to lessen the pollutants we have done. Definition of Terms Firecracker ââ¬â A firecracker (also known as a cracker, noise maker, banger or bunger) is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang; any visual effect is incidental to this goal. They have fuses, and are wrapped in a heavy paper casing to contain the explosive compound. Firecrackers along with fireworks, originated in China. Fireworks- are a class of explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic and culture, and religious purposes. The most common use of a firework is as part of a fireworks display. A fireworks event (also called a fireworks show or pyrotechnics) is a display of the effects produced by firework devices. Fireworks competitions are also regularly held at a number of places. Fireworks take many forms to produce the four primary effects: noise, light, smoke and floating materials (confetti for example). They may be designed to burn with flames and sparks of many colors, typically red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and silver. Displays are common throughout the world and are the focal point of many cultural and religious celebrations. The earliest documentation of fireworks dates back to 7th century China, where they were invented. The fireworks were used to accompany many festivities. It is a part of the culture of China and had its origin there; eventually it spread to other cultures and societies.[2] Important events and festivities such as the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) and the Mid-Autumn Festival were and still are times when fireworks are guaranteed sights. China is the largest manufacturer and exporter of fireworks in the world. Fireworks are generally classified as to where they perform, either as a ground or aerial firework. In the latter case they may provide their own propulsion (skyrocket) or be shot into the air by a mortar (aerial shell). The most common feature of fireworks is a paper or pasteboard tube or casing filled with the combustible material, often pyrotechnic stars. A number of these tubes or cases are often combined so as to make, when kindled, a great variety of sparkling shapes, often variously colored. The skyrocket is a common form of firework, although the first skyrockets were used in war. Such rocket technology has also been used for the delivery of mail by rocket and is used as propulsion for most model rockets. The aerial shell is the backbone of todayââ¬â¢s commercial aerial display. A smaller version for consumer use is known as the festival ball in the United States. Ground fireworks, although less popular than aerial ones, create a stunning exhibition. These types of fireworks can produce various shapes, such as simple rotating c Yuletide season is fast approaching and firecrackers are gradually being sold in the market. Yearly, injuries linked to fireworks are almost inevitable. To minimize the fireworks related casualties, the Department of Health-Center for Health Development XII held a Press Conference for the IWAS PAPUTOK campaign on November 27, 2012 at Sun City Suites, General Santos City. It was attended by people coming from the media, Department of Trade and Industry Scope and Delimitation of the Study The scope of this study focused on issues and problems about the banning of firecracker in our country. This research was limit and conducted only at the school campus to let the students be curious about this topic. The respondents of this study were the fourth year students from the different section and classes of the school. The instrument used in this study itââ¬â¢s the survey questions distributed, wherein Co students with different status in life are asked to answer certain questions which about the community problem facing every year. This study also hopes to waken up the students from different problems surrounding them. I hope that it can answer every question of the students of MPNAG who are very curious about it. Related Literature and Study Firecracker ban Manila, Philippines ââ¬â IT has already become boring how year after year we have been harping about the fires, deaths and injuries caused by illegal explosions of poorly manufactured firecrackers. And how all of these can be avoided if authorities had been stricter in enforcing the law on firecrackers. Senator Panfilo Lacson was correct when he said: ââ¬Å"First, the regulatory power of government with regard to pyrotechnics, if at all, is not clear or at least not effectively disseminated to the public. Second, threats and warnings are taken for granted simply because enforcement as a follow-through is lacking if not absent. The firecracker ban, effective since 1966, has been observed more on the breach. Welcoming the New Year with a big bang is too ingrained a tradition to change. In fact, a quiet New Yearââ¬â¢s Eve is unthinkable. I doubt if the Department of Healthââ¬â¢s call for Congress to legislate a full ban will fly. Nevertheless, I agree with Senator Gringo Honasan, chair of the Senate committee on public order and dangerous drugs, when he stated recently that his committee will soon hold a public hearing to review existing measures or ordinances on firecrackers and pyrotechnics and determine if there is a need to pass a new law that will regulate their use during New Yearââ¬â¢s Day celebrations. On the other hand, the recommendation of DirectorGeneral Alan Purisima, the new Philippine National Police Chief, on the issue is bold and worthy of consideration. He wants powerful firecrackers to be classified as bombs or improvised explosive devices (IED). Individual fireworks containing not more than 0.2 grams of gunpowder or explosive material are allowed by law. More than that may be classified as IEDs or bombs. The Purisima suggestion will in effect tag the manufacturer or possessor of any powerful explosive as a ââ¬Å"terroristââ¬Å" and will be jailed without benefit of bail. Crackdown vs. illegal firecrackers launched Philippines ââ¬â Director General Alan Purisima, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), ordered yesterday all police commanders nationwide to raid factories of illegally-manufactured firecrackers and likewise confiscates those being sold in the streets. In effect, Pursima said he is turning the PNP as the teeth of the Department of Health which has been aggressively pushing to lessen the number of firecracker-related injuries during the traditional New Yearââ¬â¢s revelry. ââ¬Å"We are very concerned of the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic materials and that is why we are joining forces with the Department of Health in reducing firecracker-related injuries,â⬠said Purisima in a press briefing at Camp Crame in Quezon City. ââ¬Å"While the DOH will take the task of massive information drive, we in the PNP will focus on the enforcement of laws that will help in reducing to the lowest level the casualty figure,â⬠he added. Last year, a total of 378 persons were injured while two people were killed based on firecracker-related incidents based on the data of the PNP. Yesterday, the PNP Chief led the inspection of factories and stalls in Bulacan, which is considered as the Mecca of firecrackers and pyrotechnic materi als in the country. (Aaron B. Recuenco) Firecracker-related injuries lower: DOH By GENALYN D. KABILING MADEL SABATER-NAMIT Manila, Philippines ââ¬â Despite the lower number of firecracker-related injuries brought about by the aggressive information campaign by the Department of Health, Malacaà ±ang is not about to support a total ban on firecrackers in the country. ââ¬Å"Whether or not legislation will be proposed will be dependent on the assessment of the situation and preparations by the concerned agencies for this year,ââ¬Å" Deputy Presidential Spokeswoman Abigail Valte said. At least 412 revelers were injured across the country, down by 17 percent compared to the same period last year, according to the DoH. Valte also noted that police have arrested 215 persons in connection with the sale and distribution of illegal firecrackers in Metro Manila. Also closed down were 67 stalls and 35 ambulant vendors of banned firecrackers, Valte said. Aquino earlier sought for stiffer penalties against manufacturers and users of prohibited firecrackers particularly those that damage public property. Authorities were also asked to strictly inspect stores selling firecrackers to make sure they comply with their business permits. Meanwhile, Malacaà ±ang issued a stern warning against those who are guilty of indiscriminate firing in welcoming the New Year. There were at least 18 cases of indiscriminate firing reported by the DoH, according to Valte. Although the number is 56 percent lower compared to last year, Valte said the government will continue to step up efforts against those who are guilty of indiscriminate firing. Valte said there were nine civilians arrested by the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Metro Manila Monday night and are ââ¬Å"currently under processââ¬Å" as part of its efforts to discourage indiscriminate firing. Police personnel had their guns sealed before the Christmas holidays to ensure that no one among their ranks will indiscriminately fire their guns in welcoming the New Year. Elsewhere, a four-year-old boy was killed on New Yearââ¬â¢s Eve after he was shot by a 40-year-old man in Mandaluyong City, a police official disclosed. Senior Supt. Armando Bolalin, chief of the Mandaluyong City Police Station, identiï ¬ ed the victim as Ranjelo Nimer, a resident of Block 26, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. Bolalin, during an interview, disclosed that that victim was taken to the Mandaluyong City Medical Center at 9:10 p.m. Monday but was pronounced deadon-arrival by attending doctors at 9:40 p.m., after he sustained four bullet wounds to the head, at his lower left shoulder, and two in the left side of his body. In Malolos, Bulacan, a threeyear-old boy was rushed to a hospital after being hit by a stray bullet during the New Yearââ¬â¢s celebration in the province. Liz Mungcal, head of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Ofï ¬ ce (PDRRMO), in her report to Bulacan Governor Wilhelmino M. Sy-Alvarado, said the victim was a resident of Barangay Bagong Nayon, Baliwag. In Davao City, police director Senior Superintendent Ronald dela Rosa reported that not a single case of ï ¬ recracker-related injuries was recorded in the city. ââ¬Å"We checked all the hospitals, health centers and even the smallest clinics in the entire Davao City and not even one person was admitted for firecracker injuries,ââ¬Å" said dela Rosa. Davao City has long banned the use of dangerous firecrackers and pyrotechnic materials. Strict enforcement has also resulted in the arrest of 106 vendors and users. In Quezon City, some policemen were caught feasting on the seized firecrackers after presenting them the media to discourage their use for the New Year revelry. Director General Alan Purisima, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), ordered the QC Police District and the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) to submit the names of all the officers involved in taking the seized firecrackers. ââ¬Å"This is embarrassing for the PNP. These officers have no discipline, they should face the consequences of their actions,ââ¬Å" said Purisima. Purisima was reacting to a video footage captured by the ABS-CBN wherein a number of policemen started taking various firecrackers and pyrotechnic materials that were presented to the media. (With reports from Francis Wakefield, Aaron Recuenco and Freddie Velez) Government starts anti-firecracker campaign MANILA, Philippines ââ¬â In is still a month before the New Year revelry to greet 2012, but the government has already started its anti-firecracker campaign to reduce firecracker-related injuries, largely caused by indiscriminate use of firecrackers and pyrotechnics. The campaign will be a collaborative efforts by various agencies of government. The Department of Health (DoH) launched Aksyon: Paputok Injury Reductionââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (APIR) or ââ¬Å"Give Me Five,ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ in which it would not ask people to stop using firecrackers or show images of injuries, but instead will show a hand with five fingers, representing DoH tips for the holidays ââ¬â participate in community fireworks display, celebrate a safe family holiday, use alternative noise-makers, join merry-making activities, and reflect on lessons of past year to guide New Year. In support of the DoH, the Department of the Interior and Local Government will tap local government units (LGUs) to designate areas for fireworks display. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), reports that 17 Metro LGUs signed a resolution to set up a common fireworks area in every barangay. The Department of Trade and Industry will inspect firework manufacturers, and will ban harmful firecrackers such as piccolo, super lolo, pla pla, judas belt and og. The Bureau of Customs is preventing the influx and sale of illegally imported or smuggling firecracker products. Some P400,000 worth of confiscated firecrackers were destroyed at the Philippine Coast Guard-Cebu compound. Following tradition, many Filipinos will light up firecrackers to greet the New Year. The government, however, advise them to be cautious and seek prompt medical treatment for firecracker injuries. Prevention is still better than cure. Firecracker ban Manila, Philippines ââ¬â The Muntinlupa City government has reminded residents that selling firecrackers is illegal in the city. The policy is based on the existing Executive Order 14 issued by Mayor Aldrin San Pedro last year, which strictly enforces the firecracker ban in Muntinlupa. San Pedro said the move aims to protect the public from the dangers of firecrackers, which can result to injuries and deaths. (Jonathan Hicap) ââ¬ËIwas paputokââ¬â¢ Manila, Philippines ââ¬â National Capital Region Police (NCRPO) Alan Purisima ordered yesterday Metro Manila district police chiefs to intensify their campaign against illegal firecrackers and improvised PVC cannons as part of the joint monitoring center campaign they share with the Department of Health (DOH) dubbed ââ¬Å"Oplan Iwas Paputokâ⬠to lower firecracker-related injuries and deaths. The campaign also aims to check indiscriminate firing of guns. (Jean Fernando) Zero casualties: Firecracker ban works wonders in Davao and Olongapo (Updated 2:35 p.m. Dec. 28) ââ¬â Did you just buy a jeepneyââ¬â¢s worth of fireworks, noise makers, and pyrotechnics? Before you light up the fuse on one of those spanking new ââ¬Å"Gangnam Bombs,â⬠you may need to check your local city laws first. You may need to pay a hefty fine, or spend a night behind bars for the crime of being a firecracker bug. Take Olongapo City, for example, which has had a firecracker ban on its street s since 2008. The city is prepared to slap a P5,000 fine and imprisonment on violators, and keep its clean record of zero reported injuries caused by fireworks. Olongapoââ¬â¢s city public affairs chief Mike Pusing told GMA News Online that people in their community are very much aware of the prohibition. As the Department of Health on Wednesday floated the idea for a nationwide fireworks ban, given the rising number of firework injuries, local government units with firecracker bans have been relentless with their policies to greet the coming year without the usual explosive fanfare, or the missing digits and limbs that usually come with the explosions. Olongapo isnââ¬â¢t the first city to have this ban, however. They only followed the lead of Davao City, whose local council was the first to pass an ordinance against firecrackers back in 2002. Davao Cityââ¬â¢s health officer, Josephine Villafuerte, told GMA News Online that the local government has already reminded residents about the ban on firecrackers even before Christmas. As a result of the innovative restriction, the city has greeted each of the past three New Yearââ¬â¢s celebrations without any fireworks-related injuries. Villafuerte pointed out that her city strictly implements the firecracker ban, noting the arrest of at least 32 people this past Christmas Eve for violating the ordinance. ââ¬Å"Sanayan lang,â⬠said Villafuerte on the absence of firecrackers in the New Year revelry, adding that people can still be happy and noisy even without fireworks. Meanwhile, Muntinlupa City followed suit and passed an ordinance banning firecrackers in 2010. Public Order and Safety Office staff Manny Surel said that city officials and the police previously met to discuss the firecracker ban, but declined to say more. The municipality of Pateros said in place of the prohibition of the sale, distribution and storage of firecrackers in the town, it heavily promotes alternative ways of greeting the new year with the use of toy horns and banging on pots an d pans. We observe Oplan Iwas Paputok Manila, Philippines ââ¬â The Department of Health (DOH) launched its annual OPLAN IWAS PAPUTOK early this month. This yearââ¬â¢s campaign focuses on children aged 6 to 10 years old. Statistics reveal that in 2011, the firecracker mishap belonged to this age group. DOH Secretary Dr. Enrique T. Ona has been visiting schools to advise children not to use or play with any firecracker/fireworks or pick any used firecracker in order to avoid injuries. In the event of fireworks-related injuries, bring the victim to the nearest health care facility so that immediate medical treatment can be administered to prevent tetanus, he says. The Philippine National Police (PNP) has been conducting fireworks training seminars for both producers and users of firecrackers. The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) has launched ââ¬Å"Oplan Paalalaâ⬠to advise the public to strictly observe safety measures to prevent fires in their households. All these measures, however, can be effective only with the cooperation of the general public, especially parents and caregivers. Let us resolve to have a better and safer 2013 by making an effort to prevent danger from firecracker/fireworks. We can promote community fireworks displays handled by experts and located in safe areas, use alternative noise-makers like car horns, cans, pots and pans, radio music, etc. to welcome the new year, or join street parties, concerts, and games. We congratulate the Department of Health led by Hon. Secretary Dr. Enrique T. Ona, the Philippine National Police led by Chief Director General Alan LM Purisima and their Officers and Staff, and wish them all the best and success in all their endeavors. CONGRATULATIONS AND Mabuhay. DOH mulls total firecracker ban Health authorities are planning to push fpr a total ban on firecrackers nationwide. This, after the Dept. of Health had noted the increasing number of firecracker-related injuries in the run up to every New Year revelry. Health Secretary Enrique Ona told newsmen in an interview Thursday he and the DOH team are analyzing the trend in injuries prior to New Yearââ¬â¢s eve. He said if the same number of firecracker-related injuries is established, a radical change will be observed. ââ¬Å"We analyze how effective these [measures to prevent firecracker-related injuries] are and if the case is always the same, maybe itââ¬â¢s time we did something more drastic,â⬠Ona said. According to Ona, despite having the objective to raise a ban on firecrackers, especially illegal ones, much consideration must be taken as this ban would also affect manufacturers, sellers and the countryââ¬â¢s culture. ââ¬Å"[We should] see how other countries do it [measures] and see the effect of firecracker ban in places in the Philippines like Davao City and Subic that have [already] done a total ban,â⬠Ona said. As of Wednesday, there had been 72 victims of firecracker-related injuries, about 40 % of whom were children below age 10. He did not disclose comparative figures from last yearââ¬â¢s pre-New year celebration. Ona said about half of the victims were onlookers. He added: ââ¬Å"It is a time for celebration, a time to be happy, a time to be with friends, family and loved ones. ââ¬Å"It is not the time to be crying, especially if the injuries obtained by these firecracker victims are severe.â⬠Ona also remind the public that the New Year should not only be a happy one but also a safe. Firecracker ban The use of firecrackers, although a traditional part of celebration, has over the years led to many injuries. There have been incidents every year of users being blinded, losing body parts, or suffering other injuries, especially during festivities that customarily involve firecrackers such as Chinese New Year season. Hence, many governments and authoritarians have enacted laws completely banning the sale or use of firecrackers, or banning the use of firecrackers in the street, primarily because of safety issues. * Australia ââ¬â Australia, with the exception of its capital territory (ACT) and the Northern Territory, does not permit the use of fireworks, except by a licensed pyrotechnician. These rules also require a permit from local government, as well as any relevant local bodies such as maritime or aviation authorities (as relevant to the types of fireworks being used) and hospitals, schools, et cetera, within a certain range. * Canada ââ¬â Firecrackers are not authorized under the Explosives Act, thus making importation, possession, transportation, storage or manufacturing illegal in Canada. [2] Canada banned firecrackers on September 27, 1972 after it came out in the media that two children were killed and three others severely burned when some older children were playing with firecrackers outside their tent. False rumours have been spread that the children inside the tent had actually been smoking and, not wanting to tell their parents, had told them they had been playing with firecrackers.[3] This report is incorrect. One of the surviving burn victims has researched and documented the events of that night and has included some of these details in his autobiography.[4] Fireworks, however are still legal to buy for anyone 18 years of age or over. * Mainland China ââ¬â As of 2008, most urban areas in mainland China permit firecrackers. In the first three days of the traditional New Year, it is a tradition that people compete with each other by playing with firecrackers. However, many urban areas banned them in the 1990s. For example, they were banned in Beijingââ¬â¢s urban districts from 1993 to 2005.[5] In 2004, 37 people were killed in a stampede when four million[6] people gathered for a rumored Lantern Festival firework display in nearby Miyun.[7] Since the ban was lifted, the firecracker barrage has been tremendous. An unusual[clarification needed] feature is that many residents in major cities look down on street-level fireworks from their tower blocks. Bans are rare in rural areas. * Hong Kong ââ¬â Fireworks are banned for security reasons ââ¬â some speculate a connection between firework use and the 1967 Leftist Riot. However, the government would stage a fireworks display in Victoria Harbour on the second day of the Chinese New Year. Similar displays are also held in many other cities in and outside China. * Indonesia ââ¬â Firecrackers and fireworks are forbidden in public during the Chinese New Year, especially in areas with significant non-Chinese population to avoid conflic t between the two. However, there were some exceptions. The usage of firecrackers is legal in some metropolitan areas such as Jakarta and Medan, where the degree of racial and cultural tolerance is higher. * Italy ââ¬â Firecrackers are legal and can be bought without a licence. * Malaysia ââ¬â firecrackers are banned for similar reasons as in Singapore. However, many Malaysians smuggle them from Thailand. * Norway ââ¬â The government of Norway decided to ban rockets shortly after 2009 started. Other types of fireworks are still allowed. * Philippines ââ¬â Fireworks and firecrackers are widely available throughout the Philippines, but are banned in Olongapo City (since 2008)[8] and Davao City (since 2001). * Republic of Ireland ââ¬â Fireworks and firecrackers are not permitted in the Republic of Ireland however many people smuggle them from Northern Ireland where they are legal. They are most common around Halloween. * Singapore ââ¬â a partial ban on firecrackers was imposed in March 1970 after a fire killed six people and injured 68.[9] This was extended to a total ban in August 1972, after an explosion that killed two people[10] and an attack on two police officers attempting to stop a group from letting off firecrackers in February 1972.[11] However, in 2003, the government allowed firecrackers to be set off during the festive season. At the Chinese New Year light-up in Chinatown, at the stroke of midnight on the first day of the Lunar New Year, firecrackers are set off under controlled conditions by the Singapore Tourism Board. Other occasions where firecrackers are allowed to be set off are determined by the tourism board or other government organizations. However, their sale is not allowed. * Sweden ââ¬â Only rocket type fireworks are allowed in Sweden. The ban of fire crackers was done by the EU Parliament and Swedish government 1 December 2001 * Taiwan ââ¬â Beginning 2008, firecrackers are banned in urban areas, but still allowed in rural areas. * United Kingdom ââ¬â In 1997, firecrackers became illegal but most other consumer fireworks are legal.[12] * United States ââ¬â In 2007, New York City lifted its decade-old ban on firecrackers, allowing a display of 300,000 firecrackers to be set off in Chinatownââ¬â¢s Chatham Square.[13] Under the supervision of the fire and police departments, Los Angeles regularly lights firecrackers every New Yearââ¬â¢s Eve, mostly at temples and the shrines of benevolent associations. The San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade, the largest outside China, is accompanied by numerous firecrackers, both officially sanctioned and illicit. CHAPTER 2 Method of Study The instrument I used for my research is the survey questions and some interviews about my topic. à This topic is interesting for every student and according to them 74 out of 100 students their impression in using firecracker is Dangerous because it can cause damage to our body and health. All of the students was aware to the negative effects of firecracker, and 96 out 100 students agree to the government that firecracker should be banned. About 74 out of 100 students are not using firecracker anymore, because they have an alternative for it. The ââ¬Å"Torototâ⬠a flute that makes avery loud sound and it is more affordable, toxic free than firecracker. Treatment of Data This study can help the government to know what are the impressions of the students about banning of firecracker in our country. à In fact, firecrackers can lead to significant casualties if people donââ¬â¢t use it appropriately. In recent years, firecrackers are banned in some states in America. There are a total of 11 states that ban all types of firecrackers while some states only allow few types of firecrackers. Most leniently states such as Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida still allow all types of firecrackers ( Essoyan; Los Angeles Time ). The administration of some states has refused to allow the setting off of firecrackers during Chinese New Year celebration because these state governments believe that these explosives are too dangerous. Thatââ¬â¢s why our government was alarm about this news CHAPTER 3 Presentation and interpretation of Data This graph tells that the impression of many of the students is Dangerous. But almost of the students are using up firecracker. This was taken up about last-last year survey about the banning of firecracker in big cities. CHAPTER 4 Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation The main thrust of the study was to inform the students and to be curious about the problems facing our community. Specifically, the study answered questions to make the students be not innocent about this problem this can help the community be aware of it. FINDINGS 1. Level of Students who are using firecracker Majority (81.9333) of the students got the highest rating scale of 80-89 which was rated Very High. Only the rating scale of 50-59 (far below from the passing percentage) are not using firecracker. 2. Students aware to the bad effects of firecracker Almost all of the students have the rating scale of 90 and above, who are aware of its harmful effects. 3. Impression of the students toward using firecracker Based on the survey that all of our respondentââ¬â¢s impression toward it is very dangerous because it can affect our body to have illness, having a accidents. The causes for these accidents is misbehavior in using fireworks, it can cause damage to infrastructure. CONCLUSION For being a student I conclude that firecrackers should be banned in the Philippines including Fireworks, this was proven according to the Government of Davao and Olongapo. Because they already done this thing and observe a peaceful New year. RECOMMENDATION For my viewpoint of this problem, I think that we should start using up firecrackers to lessen more pollutant in the air and even accidents we can prevent of this two. Firecrackers is one of the most significant problem of our country and even our planet are debating oneself to banned this problem and I think that our government start to work up and make a wise decision. For the students I want to advice them that they should participate in every problem who are facing this country. I supposed that if firecracker has been banned the earth can leave longer and even the young people we might help in the next generation. Bibliography ââ¬Å"Fire Crackersâ⬠StudyMode.com. 10 1999. 10 1999 . http://www.tempo.com.ph/2013/01/firecracker-ban-2/#.UQfLkmedqxM http://www.tempo.com.ph/2012/12/crackdown-vs-illegal-firecrackers-launched/#.UQfMFmedqxM http://www.tempo.com.ph/2013/01/firecracker-related-injuries-lower-doh/#.UQfMiGedqxM hthttp://www.tempo.com.ph/2011/12/firecracker-ban/#.UQfMqGedqxM http://www.tempo.com.ph/2011/12/government-starts-anti-firecracker-campaign/#.UQfMs2edqxM http://www.tempo.com.ph/2011/12/iwas-paputok/#.UQfNKWedqxM http://www.tempo.com.ph/2012/12/we-observe-oplan-iwas-paputok/#.UQfN4GedqxM
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